Day 2, Part 1

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I open my eyes to an empty room. The comforter on the couch Bakugou slept in last night is neatly folded, so he must've gone somewhere. Though according to the clock on the nightstand, it's a little after 7 AM. Where would he be this early in the morning?

I sit up and stretch my arms above my head. This bed is actually really comfortable. For such a big space, I felt snug and secure under my blankets as I slept. It was nice of Bakugou to offer it to me, but I still don't know why he changed his mind all of a sudden.

Any questions I have regarding Bakugou's behavior last night or his current whereabouts can wait until later. My top priority right now is taking a relaxing shower. I prefer baths, particularly bubble baths, but I'm not fully awake yet and may accidentally fall asleep in the tub. I've done that a couple times before. It's not fun.

Now feeling refreshed after a pleasant shower, mostly due to how immaculate the water pressure is, I slip into my swim trunks and throw a thin tank top over my head. I didn't swim yesterday since the pools were so crowded, but I'm making it a point to get in the water at least once today.

When I finish brushing my teeth, I re-enter the main room the same moment the door opens and Bakugou walks inside. The two of us stand there, only a few feet from each other, neither of us saying anything. Then, after an agonizing amount of silence passes, he shuffles past me and moves to his designated dresser. His shoulder bumps mine as he walks by, though it's unclear to me if it's intentional or not.

Finally gaining the courage to speak, I ask, "Where were you?"

"What do you think?" He signals to his outfit, or lack thereof. All he has on is a pair of black athletic shorts and sneakers. The sweat dripping down his chest glistens under the ceiling lights. I only cast a short glance at his body so I don't end up staring too long. While any romantic feelings I had for Bakugou have dissipated, he's still a very attractive guy, and in my opinion only looks hotter after he finishes an intense workout.

"You went to the gym?" I ask.

He slows claps. "Congrats, moron. Only took you half a century to figure that one out."

"Why so early?"

"It's the same time I exercise every day," he answers, rolling his eyes.

"But don't you want to take it easy? We're on vacation, after all."

He points at me. "That kind of attitude is why you're only ranked third in our year. A true hero never takes days off."

"But Midoriya is ranked ahead of you, and he already told me he plans on exercising very little on this cruise, if at all."

Okay, that was stupid of me to say. It's no secret that Bakugou isn't fond of Midoriya. The only thing more obvious than Bakugou's disdain for him is how much Bakugou hates being reminded that he's only ranked second in the Big Three. It's not as if I don't understand his frustration. I'm happy being in the Big Three at all as it's a huge achievement, and I've accepted that I'll probably never rank higher than Midoriya or Bakugou as they're just too powerful. But I'm always determined to push myself past my limits to become the best hero I can possibly be. The only difference is I don't take it personally when my classmates perform better than me the way Bakugou does.

"Tch, if that nerd wants to sit back and let me take the top spot, which should already be mine by the way, then I have no complaints."

He pulls out a fresh change of clothes and sets them on top of his drawer. I'm tired of standing awkwardly in the bathroom doorway so I sit at the edge of my bed. Or is it still Bakugou's bed? Was him allowing me to sleep in it last night just a one time thing? I guess that depends on what his mood is like tonight.

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