Day 3, Part 4

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Our group changes out of our formal attire and into casual clothes between dinner and arriving at the teen club. Though I'm not enthused to be here for the second night in a row, at least this time I find something of true entertainment value. Uraraka, with Yaoyorozu as a translator, dances in the middle of the dance floor as she flirts with her Italian flavor of the week. From a superficial perspective, they make an attractive couple. Plus there's that dramatic height difference between them that Uraraka always loves having with a guy. It always humors me that she briefly dated Midoriya during our first year since he is nothing like her usual type.

I'm also fortunate to have found a non-conformist friend so I don't have to stand against the wall by myself again. Sure, Bakugou is doing the same thing, but he's leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room and he doesn't look like he wants any company. Rather, I'm hanging out with Jirou. She hates dancing enough as it is and as her usual dance partner is occupied helping our friend get a boy, she chooses to stay with me instead.

"What do you think they're talking about?" she asks, gesturing to Yaoyorozu and the two lovebirds.

"I hope Uraraka's asking what his name is."

She snorts. "Oh, look over there. Guess Uraraka's not the only one shooting her shot."

Directing my eyes toward where she's pointing, I see Tokoyami slip a flower crown on Asui's head. I've never seen her blush before, but there's a first time for everything. Jirou giggles as Dark Shadow chants for them to kiss, though they're both too shy to lean in.

"They might as well," Jirou says. "We're on vacation. It's like the perfect time to make something happen."

"Yeah," I say, my eyes seamlessly drifting toward one person in particular.

Bakugou notices me staring and responds by flipping his middle finger at me. I pout and look away, back to scanning the rest of the room for anything interesting.

It doesn't take long. My jaw drops as I look back at Uraraka, who has her arms around the Italian guy's neck, the two of them making out. Jirou and I both chuckle at Yaoyorozu holding her hands up in surrender and marching away from them.

"I am not translating that," she says once she reaches us.

I open my mouth to speak but am cut off by someone grabbing the collar on the back of my shirt and dragging me away from Yaoyorozu and Jirou. The only reason I don't activate my quirk in defense is because I have a pretty good idea as to who my abductor is.

I stumble backwards, tripping over my own feet, yet he keeps a firm grip on my shirt so I don't fall over. I manage to turn around once we exit the teen club and Bakugou releases me from his grip.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

He scowls. "I couldn't take it in there any longer. I'm going somewhere else."

He doesn't outright invite me to come along, but the way he manhandled me out of the teen club suggests that he wants me to accompany him.

"What do you want to do?"

He groans. "I don't fucking know, dumbass. Just follow me."


We settle into a booth at one of the sports bars above the atrium. Sitting across from me, Bakugou peers around at everyone else here, almost like he doesn't want anyone he knows to catch the two of us sitting together. I slump in my seat at the thought.

We're too young to order alcohol, so we just get water as our initial drinks. Bakugou orders himself spicy chicken wings and, after getting over my disappointment that they don't serve soba here, I order a strawberry milkshake.

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