Day 1, Part 1

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We arrive at the port relatively early to get everyone checked in. The ship we'll be boarding, The Unity, is outside the window right behind my chair. Turning around in my seat, I take in the view. I'm not able to see all of the ship given that it's huge, but I still stare in amazement. It's beautiful. I'm sure I'll be even more bewildered once we actually board.

I check my watch for what feels like the eighteenth time. Boarding starts in half an hour. My heart pounds in anticipation. Observing my classmates, everyone seems to have the same level of excitement. Midoriya, sitting next to me, mutters to himself. I can't make out a single word he's saying, but I've grown accustomed to this sort of behavior when it comes to him.

He only stops muttering when Eri, Aizawa's daughter, climbs into his lap.

"Deku," she says, "do you think they'll have candy apples on the cruise? My daddy said he wasn't sure."

Midoriya pats her head. "Even if they don't, I'm sure we can get you some when we visit the islands. Don't worry."

Eri squeals and hugs Midoriya tightly. Uraraka, sitting on the other side of Midoriya, smiles at the both of them.

"You're gonna have such a fun time, Eri," she says. "Wait until you see all the cool things you get to do on the ship! They even have a rock climbing wall that you can try!"

Eri blinks twice. "Rock climbing?"

"We can teach you if you don't know how," I assure her. "But I'm sure you'll be great once you get the hang of it."

She blushes and nuzzles into Midoriya's neck. "Thank you, Shouto," she says quietly.

I smile fondly at her before immediately dropping my face into a frown as I catch Bakugou glaring at me. He's been giving me the same death stare all morning. It's like he somehow believes us getting paired together as roommates is my fault. Even with Kirishima non stop babbling in his ear, all of Bakugou's attention is focused on me.

I'm scared of the inevitable moment in which I have to be alone with him. One can only guess what choice of words he'll have for me, though I'm sure it'll be anything but kind. He flares his nostrils, clenching his jaw as his eyes pierce through mine. It's fitting that his eyes are a bright crimson color. As if his gaze isn't already intense enough.

Bakugou clicks his tongue before breaking eye contact for good, finally being receptive to whatever Kirishima is talking to him about. The knot in my chest loosens and I take a moment to collect myself.

Yaoyorozu calls for me to sit on the floor with her and Jirou. With my small carry-on bag in hand, I move over to them.

"Todoroki," Yaoyorozu says, "don't worry about Bakugou. I know you're not excited about the arrangement, but don't let it ruin your vacation."

I sigh. "The only reason I'm not happy about the arrangement is because I know he's not happy with it. I just wish I knew why he hates me so much."

Jirou shrugs. "Who knows? But maybe something good will come out of it. Maybe by being forced to live together, the two of you may end up repairing your relationship."

I glance over at Bakugou again, which is a mistake. When he notices, he scowls even harsher than he did a few minutes prior. To top it all off, he flips me the finger.

"Bakugou," Aizawa scolds, "there are children around." He gestures specifically to Eri, who's still snuggled up with Midoriya, but there are plenty of other kids nearby with their families.

Turning back to Jirou, I pout. "Something tells me he's not interested in repairing anything with me."


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