Day 8, Part 2

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Kirishima pummels backward into the water after being knocked off Tetsutetsu's shoulders by Bakugou. Bakugou and I, still the undefeated champions, are met with an equal amount of cheers and groans. We've already battled multiple pairings, such as Denki and Shinsou, Midoriya and Iida, and even Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. Bakugou was especially pleased when he knocked Monoma and his smug attitude into the water, pulling Awase down with him.

Bakugou, still sitting on my shoulders, pumps a fist into the air for our latest victory. If there's one thing I can say about Bakugou it's that he's not the type to win graciously. He always has to flaunt his accomplishments, even when it's something as silly as a chicken fight.

He ruffles my hair before peering down at me. "Hey MVP," he says to me, "how you holding up down there?"

I smile at him, a bit of his cockiness rubbing off on me. "I think we should break for lunch. Kicking everyone's asses like this is making me hungry."

Bakugou chuckles as I lower myself into the water so he can climb off of me safely. He throws up the middle finger one last time at our group that's gathered in the ocean, then the two of us swim back to shore.

We're currently at one of the several beaches Aikojima has to offer. Truthfully, it may be my favorite one yet. The crowd here isn't too overwhelming, plus there's a volleyball court and a few trampolines in the water. The ocean is also perfectly pristine, making for a pleasant swimming experience. The last thing to judge before I officially declare my love for this beach is the food at the snack bar.

Standing in line, Bakugou pulls out his wallet. He takes cash out and unless he plans on ordering an overwhelming amount of food for himself, I have a feeling he wants to pay for the both of us. 

"Let me pay," I tell him.

"Are you sure?" he asks. "I don't mind."

"You paid for my milkshake the other day, remember? Let me cover it this time."

Bakugou gives a half smile that sets my heart aflame. "Okay. Suit yourself."

Another positive of this beach: the line for the snack bar moves rather quickly. When we reach the front of the line, I turn to Bakugou.

"What do you want?"

Bakugou scans the menu hanging on the wall behind the cashier. "I'll have a cheeseburger and fries," he says.

I turn back to the cashier with a smile. "Make that two, please."

She rings up our order, handing me my receipt with our order number on it once I pay her. Bakugou and I stand off to the side and wait for our burgers to be made.

He nudges my hip with his. "Are you having fun today like you promised you would?"

I smile in return. Bakugou, who doesn't even attempt to be subtle as he stares at my lips, breaks out into a grin as soon as I do.

"Yeah," I say, "are you?"

"Definitely." He crosses his arms as he pans around. "This is a really nice beach. Probably the nicest I've ever been to."

A worker from the snack bar calls out our order number so we collect our food and move to a small picnic bench. I slide out of my flip flops and let my feet rest on top of them. Bakugou and I bite into our burgers at the same time and our expressions mirror each other as we eat.

"This is fucking delicious," he says once he's done chewing.

"Agreed." The fries are equally as good, my belly full of happiness as I enjoy my lunch.

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