Day 6, Part 4 🧡

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I updated my Author's note page, but I wanted to include this here for people who are reading this in real time:
Smut chapters will include a heart in their titles so people know what to expect or if they choose to skip. They'll be labeled as followed:

🧡: Bakutop
💙: Todotop

That's all, enjoy!! xx

Bakugou grabs the back of my thighs, digging his nails into them. Understanding what he's trying to do, I jump and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Once I'm secure, he pulls me in for a hungry kiss. He bites at my bottom lip before shoving his tongue down my throat. I try to match his intensity, prodding my tongue along his, but he quickly overpowers me.

Not breaking the kiss, Bakugou moves us toward the balcony door. I wrap my legs around him tighter so he can take one hand out from under my thigh to open it. Once we're back inside, he slams the door shut and carries me to the bed. Our lips still haven't disconnected yet, and the kiss is only getting more desperate. There's a lot of teeth colliding with each other. It's like we mutually decided to throw all proper kissing techniques out the window due to the lust overflowing in our brains. I can't say I hate it.

It's only when Bakugou sits on the edge of the bed, me in his lap, that he pulls away. Although, he doesn't pull away for long. He more so switches from lewd, frantic kisses to short and tender ones. Still, that doesn't change that he's lightly bucking his hips upward in tandem with every peck. 

Smiling against my lips, his question comes out as a whisper. "What are your boundaries?"

I retract my head. "Oh." Shifting my eyes toward the ceiling, I ponder. No one I've ever been intimate with has asked me that before. To be fair, I've never asked either. More often than not, we'd just go until someone said they were uncomfortable. But now, glancing back down at Bakugou, seeing how sincere he is about wanting to know what I'm okay with, I wonder why people don't address this at the beginning more often.

"I don't want any hickeys where people can see them," I say. "But we're on summer vacation, so that doesn't leave you with much to work with. I don't mind overstimulation. I'm not really into BDSM, but..." My voice trails off as heat rushes to my cheeks. I turn away from him. "I like getting my hair pulled," I mumble.

Bakugou cups my chin and forces me to face him again. An amused smirk tugs at his lips. "I can work with that."

Kissing me again, his hand slides up to my cheek. This kiss doesn't last very long, however, as he soon pulls away and presses his lips together.

"Oh, I forgot," he says, emitting a nervous chuckle. "Um, top or bottom?"

Oh, God.

It's only now settling in that I'm about to have sex with Bakugou. Any amount of confidence or excitement inside me is overtaken by my nerves. This isn't something I'm used to. Any previous sexual encounter of mine, I never had trouble being assertive or rough with my partners. But with Bakugou, I'm feeling self-conscious.

It's not that I don't want to do this anymore, I very much do. But there's no way, at least for now, that I'll be able to perform well if I'm the one in control. I'm too much in my own head for that.

I try to keep my face neutral. "I don't really have a preference," I answer honestly, "but I'm guessing you want to be on top for this first time."

He grins. "Sexy and smart. Just my type." Placing one last kiss to my lips, he tugs on my shirt. "Let's get this off you."

Hands trembling, I lift my shirt over my head and leisurely drop it to the floor. Now that the first item of clothing has been removed, it feels all the more real. It's not like Bakugou's never seen me without a shirt before. Hell, he changed my bandages for me last night. But a sick feeling burns in my stomach as he surveys my torso, like perhaps he's judging me and doesn't like what he sees.

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