Day 6, Part 3

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Marching over to Kirishima, determination builds in my chest. When I stand over him, he cowers in his seat.

"Oh," he says, "hey Todoroki."

"Where's Bakugou?" I ask.

He presses a finger to his lips and shushes me. "Not so loud," he whispers.

Kirishima, clearly flustered, stands up and grabs my wrist. He escorts me to the back corner of the karaoke bar where we may discuss freely without anyone eavesdropping. The walk is agonizingly silent, the only noise protruding my ears being Aoyama's off key singing from the stage. When we reach a spot Kirishima deems secluded enough, he sighs and leans his back against the wall.

"Look," he says, "Bakugou didn't want anyone knowing he was leaving."

"Where'd he go?"

He squints at me with parted lips. "Did you not hear what I just said? He didn't want anyone knowing he was leaving. That includes you. Especially you."

I blink while assessing his words. "Especially?"

Stammering, Kirishima looks in every direction except toward me. He rubs the back of his neck. "Damn it, I didn't mean anything by that. Forget I said anything."

"How can I just forget something like that?" I say.

Kirishima's at a loss for words, and for the record so am I. What did he mean by especially me? Bakugou must really not want me around for some reason. But why? What did I do?

I take a few short, deep breaths. I refuse to cry about Bakugou in front of his best friend.

"He left because of me."

My head's tilted toward the floor now, so I don't see Kirishima's reaction. But I hear the words that next come out of his mouth.

"I never said that."

I shift my eyes back up at him. "You didn't deny it, either."

Kirishima crosses his arms and sighs. "Man, we're about to leave to watch the fireworks soon. Can't we talk about this later?"

"No," I say. "Just tell me, did Bakugou leave because of me?"

He shakes his head repeatedly. "Todoroki, I really shouldn't be talking to you about thi-"

"Kirishima," I urge. "Please."

I don't know why I'm pushing this so hard. I already know the answer, whether he tells me the truth or not. But perhaps there's a part of me that won't accept it unless I hear it out loud.

"You don't have to tell me the reason," I say. "But please, just be honest. Yes or no." I stare at him with pleading eyes. "Did Bakugou leave because of me?"

Kirishima ducks his head down, then glances around the room. Pressing his lips together, he closes his eyes like he's deep in thought. The moment drags on, almost as if he's stalling for time. When he finally opens them, he lets out a deep exhale. Then, he stares me straight in the eye with an expression that depicts just how conflicted he probably is right now.


I nod to myself as if I knew all along. Because, in fact, I did know all along. But I don't have time to reflect on my own feelings. Instantly switching to autopilot, my body begins to maneuver me toward the exit. Kirishima grabs me after only taking two steps.

"Woah," he says, "what are you doing?"

I struggle to pull my arm away. I knew Kirishima was strong, but I didn't think it'd be this much of a challenge to get away from his grasp. Maybe his adrenaline is pumping the same way mine is.

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