Day 8, Part 1

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Bakugou's still sleeping beside me when I open my eyes. My face only a few inches from his, I take a moment to admire his beauty. His lips are curled into a small pout that's far too adorable. I smile as I study his hair, specifically his complete lack of bedhead. Seriously, how does his hair look so perfect at all times?

I climb out of bed, doing my best not to wake him. Quickly, I pull out a pair of sweatpants and throw them over my legs. Stepping out onto the balcony, I'm hit with the bright rays of the sun. I lean over the balcony railing, observing the beautiful scenery out in front of me.

We've docked at the majestic island of Aikojima. We'll be here today, tomorrow, and then our summer vacation is essentially over. I can't believe we're nearing the end. This has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. So much has happened that I'm still processing. Most of which revolve around one particular person.

To be honest, I had trouble sleeping last night. I couldn't stop thinking about Bakugou and our relationship, and how something feels not quite right. How badly I wish I could ignore it, for it'd make everything so much easier. But I've reached a sense of clarity overnight, and now that I know the exact issue that's been bothering me, it wouldn't be fair to me or Bakugou if I chose to ignore it.

I hang my head and sigh. If only I didn't care about him so much. That's the hardest part, knowing that the way I approach the issue may jeopardize our relationship permanently.

God, I really hate myself right now.

"Morning," I hear from behind me.

When I turn around, Bakugou's rubbing his eyes as he lets out a big yawn. Like me, he also threw on some sweats before stepping onto the balcony. He flashes a sleepy smile at me before stepping forward and greeting me with a tender embrace.

He kisses my cheek before mumbling into my ear. "How are you, beautiful?"

"Good," I answer. I hug him back but my body's a bit rigid.

When he pulls away, he scans my face and frowns. "What's wrong?"

I turn my head away. "Nothing."

He cups a hand around my hip. "Babe," he urges, "come on. Talk to me."

Whining, I lean forward and rest my head on his shoulder. Bakugou holds me tight, running a hand up and down my back.

"Are you okay?" he asks. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," I assure him. "But...I do need to talk to you."

Bakugou reluctantly breaks away, taking my hand in his. He leads me to the lounge chair and we both sit down. He playfully brushes my fringe away from my face. "Let's talk, then."

I glance down at our intertwined hands. I thought it'd be easier to get the words out if I didn't have to look at him, but this may be even worse. Taking a deep breath, my gaze shifts from our hands to his eyes.

"Bakugou," I say, "when did you start liking me?"

"Huh?" He leans back in his seat. "What do you mean?"

"Well, when we first got here, you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me. But obviously that changed at some point."

Bakugou chews his lip and shrugs. "I don't know. I realized it when I stayed in the infirmary with you, but I think it happened sooner than that and I was just in denial about it. So maybe...maybe after you told me you liked me last year I started seeing you differently. Cause for someone like you to think so highly of me, I'd be an idiot to not pursue that."

I nod. "Okay." I play with the fabric of my sweatpants.

"You don't seem happy with that answer."

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