Chapter 13: The Brightest of Hearts part 1

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On the other side of the gateway, they found themselves in a new world though this one wasn't anything like any of the other worlds they've been. they came across, it wasn't colorful, full of life, or had magic in the air. It was a dark purple color everywhere with different shades of the dark purple being the only form of diverse color here.

"What... is this place?"

"Good question lad!" Sora quickly manifested his Keyblade, Kairi her Keyblade, Donald his staff, and Goofy his shield when they all heard that voice. It was Doxcrum as the shadows of the world started flowing like water towards each other to form a black blob right in front of the group. The blob grew bigger until it started taking shape and formed into Doxcrum.

"This world is called an Abyss World, it's a world created when several worlds o' light are destroyed. th' resultin' rubble gets pulled together and forms a brand-new world for th' heartless tae thrife! Makin' everythin' that lives and breathes in th' darkness stronger as a result! this world in particular is called, End o' th' World!" Sora, Kairi, Goofy, and Donald looked at Doxcrum in shock realizing the horrific and disgusting origins of this world. However, their facial expressions quickly changed to that of confusion when they full processed the name of the world. Doxcrum saw their faces and as a result realized the name sounded ridiculous as well, making him scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Uh, I was a glaikit bairn when I came up with that name- Awe rite swatch! th' point is that ye lot are out o' yer league here, so don't be glaikits. Join us and ye get to become gods as well. Bonnie sweet deal aye?" Sora just sighed in annoyance, aggravated that Doxcrum still think they would actually consider joining them at this point. But before he could say no Kairi raised her Destiny's Embrace Keyblade and charged at Doxcrum in anger.

"You hurt my grandmother! you're going down you stupid old man!"

"Ha! Yer funeral, Las."

"Kairi don't!" Kairi didn't listen to Sora and continued charging at Doxcrum but instead of hitting him the Keyblade instead seemingly phased through him. In reality Doxcrum just moved so fast that no one saw him when he dodged. Before Kairi could swing around to try and slash him again Doxcrum grabbed her shoulder to stop her.

"Yer fragmented, find th' ye that isn't ye, become whole again."

"What?" Doxcrum then disappeared instantly into a void. Sora ran up to Kairi and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Kairi! What were you thinking?!" Kairi was about to get mad at Sora, but she saw the genuine concern and fear in his eyes. Kairi was now filled with guilt as she knew what she did was rash and stupid.

"I... I'm sorry Sora. I just wanted revenge so badly." Sora then remembered something Cloud told him and smiled gently at Kairi.

"You're justified in wanting revenge Kairi, but don't let it define who you are and why you do what you do. That's when you become just as bad as the Dark Army." Kairi looked at Sora with guilt, but she managed to smile after hearing Sora's words.

"... Hehe, yeah you're right Sora. You're such a nerd though."

"Ha! says the lazy island clown." The two of them laughed a little to ease the tension then they stopped just as Donald and Goofy walked up to them.

"Heh, sorry guys, I'll keep my head on straight from here on out."

"That's all we ask for Ms. Kairi." Goofy smiled at Kairi while Donald just nodded in approval. Kairi however pretended to only focus on Goofy which ended up annoying Donald. Suddenly a large explosion of light could be seen at the distance.

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