Chapter 6: A Wooden Heart

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Back in hollow bastion both Doxcrum and Roxas were bowing to the four remaining villains: Maleficent, Hades, Oogie, Hook, and Ursula while giving a progress report on their mission form Agrabah.

"With that, the draining process of the princess has begun. Meaning, besides the princesses Master Ansem is getting, there's only one princess left."

"All's braw, aye? Just one more lassie and we're on top, aye?"

"... why of course, now be on your way." Doxcrum happily got up and left the room but stopped when he realized that Riku was still standing their looking directly at Maleficent. 

"Sora's still a problem, right? let me convert him to our side. He's my friend he'll listen to me, he has too." Doxcrum was shocked and quickly facepalmed out of disappointment. Maleficent was no longer smiling at Riku. This scared Riku, but he still stood his ground while trying his best to hide his fear. 

"If anyone can get him to leave the light its me."

"Ha! sorry to tell ya Riku boy, but your destiny is to destroy the Champion of Light not-" Maleficent then hit Oogie in the stomach she then turned to Riku.

"You were the one who refused to fight Sora. If you confront him now, you will be unable to deny your destiny."

"he's, my friend! I won't hurt him! And he won't hurt me! I just need to show him that the only way to save Kairi is through Kingdom Hearts! Once he sees Kairi, he'll help us for sure!"

"NO!" Maleficent then slammed her staff onto the ground which scared everyone in the room except Doxcrum who knew this was going to happen.

"... Ahem, I apologize my dear boy. However, Sora must not be allowed to know anything of our true plan, whether it be the Princesses of Heart or the Door to Kingdom Hearts."

"But-" Maleficent quickly waved her hand in front on Riku to signal him to keep quiet. She was still using the darkness to make herself large so in Riku's perspective it wasn't a hand but a wall that happened to be shaped like one.

"However, there is an alternative. I know our deal was that for you to remain a loyal Champion of Darkness you were not to be in any way forced to confront or fight Sora. To this I have agreed to. However, just this once I will make an exception, if you can convince the boy that joining your side is the better alternative then he will be welcomed with open arms. he will be shown our full plan, Kairi, and be recognized as the second Champion of Darkness." Riku smiled, he knew convincing Sora would be difficult, Sora always saw the world as black and white thus he wouldn't trust them even if it was for the greater good. Still Sora was his friend and Sora cared about him and Kairi, surely that would be enough to turn a blind eye to all the destruction the Dark Army has caused. Riku didn't like the Dark Army either, but he knew their power was needed to reach Kingdom Hearts and once they had that everything would be fixed.

"But be warned Riku, there are two requirements for Sora to become the second Champion, first he must do so willingly, and second... his Keyblade of light MUST be destroyed by the current Champion of Darkness." Riku was now shocked. This was bad, Sora believed that he was the Champion of Light and that the Light needed him to be its hero. If Riku destroyed his only way of being the Champion of Light without giving evidence first Sora wouldn't trust him anymore. Worst off, Maleficent said clearly that he'll only be allowed to know everything AFTER he joins the Dark Army. Riku couldn't help but place his hand on his forehead in anxiety. This whole situation was frustrating, his only chance to get his friend on his side was not only impossible but could very easily end their friendship as a whole. Before Riku could ponder any more however, he was grabbed by the back collar of his shirt and dragged away by Doxcrum. 

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