Going To School

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No One's POV

(Y/N) was at Hexside as he was standing on an auditorium stage while Principal Bump was sitting in front of him with a clipboard. (Y/N) created a blue magic circle to have the room become dark as the ceiling became the starry night sky. He then turned into an animal to make himself bigger. Bump wrote on his paper, "Impressive. Welcome to Hexside." (Y/N) became human and normal sized again to smile as he bowed a little.

A Few Days Later

Eda was flying (Y/N) and Luz to Hexside. (Y/N) sat silently as Luz on the other hand was panicking, "We should just turn back. I'm gonna mess things up again and everyone will see, and..." Eda looked back at her, "Alright you gotta calm down. What are you nervous about? You've been to school before." "That's why I'm nervous. At my human school, I didn't make a good first impression. This is a chance to be seen as something other than a screwup." "Hey don't worry about what those dorks think. If you want my advice, walk into class and punch the first kid you see. To establish dominance." (Y/N) was looking down at the trees they were passing, "That sound similar to what animals do."

They arrived at Hexside for Eda to bring them down to where they were just hovering over the ground. Luz and (Y/N) got off as they put their backpacks on. Before they left Eda held up a badge, "Last chance to back out and earn a new Bad Girl Coven patch. Quitting. Easier than trying." Luz held up her hand, "Nah, I'll just earn it when I quit showering. Bye." As the two kids went to walk away Eda took off her hand, "Hold up." She threw the hand for it to land on Luz's head." The pre-teens turned around for the hand to crawl back to Eda, who screwed it back on, "Just try not to be goody loose shoes. You both got this." The other two smiled, "Thanks Eda." Luz pulled out two sock puppets, "In fact, I have written a heartfelt sonnet to commemorate this occasion." Eda quickly started flying away, "Oops, a gust of wind just got me. See you after school." Luz made the Eda puppet talk, "You're gonna do great kid. You too (Y/N)." (Y/N) smiled, "Thanks puppet Eda."

(Y/N) and Luz made their way towards the entrance for them to run into Amity and an abomination behind her, which was helping her carrying her books. Amity smiled seeing the two, "Hey Luz. Hey (Y/N). Congratulations on already getting in." She looked at Luz, "And not being in the baby class." She gave the two a high five, for the abomination to copy. Except the abominable was going to end up hitting them in the faces, but (Y/N) ducked as he grabbed Luz's shoulder to make her duck as well. The two came back up for Amity to look at (Y/N), "We need to get going. Classes are about to start." (Y/N) nodded for Luz to look at him, "What? You already have a class?" Amity gestured towards (Y/N), "He wrote a letter to Principal Bump telling him which Coven he wanted to be in. I helped him write it during one of our piano lessons." The boy nodded for Luz to ask him, "How do you already know which Coven you want to be in?" (Y/N) held up a finger, "I got good look at all Covens, thanks to Amity, before I thrown into detention." Luz thought for a second, "Oh yeah."

Amity started walking away, "Head to Bump's office as soon as you can. (Y/N) and I will see you later." Amity and (Y/N) quickly walked away into the school for Amity to lead him through the halls to stop at a door, "Here we are. Your first class in the Healing Coven." (Y/N) looked excited as Amity began walking away, "I have to get to my class now. See you at lunch." She walked away for the young boy to realize something. He's alone. Nobody that he knows is going to be here with him. His excitement quickly turned into anxiety as he peeked inside to see a bunch of students near his age talking to each other. He took a step back to prepare himself, 'Come on. Come on. You can't have Luz with you wherever you go. You've spent most of your life alone. You can do it here.'

He walked into the classroom keeping his head down as he quickly walked through the classroom and found a seat near a window. He was in the second row as he rested his head onto the desk. The bell soon rang making everyone quiet down as a man dressed in loose blue clothing, violet eyes, and white skin walked in front of the classroom. He stood in front of everyone as he had a table next to him, "Good morning class. How is everyone?" Most of the class responded cheery, "We're doing swell. Are you as well?" "Well I did get out of bed so I say that's good." He looked down at his book, which was on his desk, to squint a little until he smiled, "Ah, we have a new student with us here today." He looked around to stop at (Y/N), "There you are. Why don't you stand up and tell us about yourself." (Y/N) quickly stood up to end up doing nothing but stand there. He tried to speak but instead he ended up shaking a little, "Muh mm mub mhum-" He became silent again as he felt a heavy weight on his back, 'Do something. ' A cloud of smoke appeared making a few of the students cough. The smoke cleared up to show (Y/N) as an animal. He was in his seat as his head was on his desk, 'Not that!' As he sat in silence a loud eruption came from the class, "He turned into a wolf!" "No he turned into a fox!" "We can do that with healing magic?" "His tail looks so fluffy!" "Is he the class pet?!"

The Owl House x Male Reader (Luz and Amity)Where stories live. Discover now