The Most Beautiful Sound

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A/N: I will update again once I get another computer.

No One's POV

Today (Y/N) was getting ready for the day as he was in the kitchen. He was making breakfast for Luz to walk in, "Good morning (Y/N)." The young boy looked at her, "Good morning." As he started eating Luz walked next to him as she tapped the table, "So are you feeling okay? After last night?" (Y/N) nodded, "I am fine. Thanks you." Luz smiled for Eda to walk in as she rubbed her right eye to look at (Y/N), who was fully dressed, "Where are you going so early in the morning?" (Y/N) had his fists to his chest as his tail wagged back and forth, "Go to Amity for lesson. Today long lesson." Luz looked at (Y/N), "You seem to be getting along quite well with her." The Nature Walker nodded, "She seem nice." He then saw the sun rise above signalling the start of the day, "Have to go." He went to the door, "Bye, see later."

A Few Minutes Later

(Y/N) arrived at Amity's house to knock on the front door. He heard some bustling for the door to open showing the Blight twins. Their faces quickly became one of curiosity as Emira leaned down a little, "What brings you here little fox?" The young Nature Walker looked up at them, "Lesson with Amity." Edric put his fore finger and thumb on his chin, "Oh yeah she did say something about that." Emira folded her arms, "It's weird to think that mittens has friends." They all then heard Amity from behind the twins, "Can you two knock it off." Amity walked through the two to grab (Y/N)'s wrist, "Come on. They'll keep you here forever if you let them." Amity led (Y/N) through the big house as (Y/N) looked around in whimsy of how neat and clean everything looked. Amity looked back at her guest as they walked, "My parents aren't home today, so we should be able to focus on practicing. If my sister and brother leave us alone."

They were then in the music room for (Y/N) to instantly spot the piano, as remembered where it was when he was Amity. Amity brought him to a table to sit next to him, "Do you have your homework?" (Y/N) set his worksheets onto the table for Amity to check them all. She had to point to a few mistakes as he had either misnamed or misplaced a note. Afterwards she smiled, "Except for those few you did pretty good." She stood up, "Let's learn a few keys on the piano." This made the Nature Walker extremely excited as his tail was wagging back and forth. The two sat at the piano for Amity to press a few keys telling (Y/N) which note represented which key. She would play a key on one end, to which (Y/N) would copy her on the other side. After a while Amity said that they would have a little break, as trying to remember every key at once was tiring.

(Y/N) nodded for him to soon ask, "Can you sing?" Amity shook her head, "I can, but it's not that good. How about you? Can you sing?" "Have try before. But alone in woods." "Well how about I play a little tune and you sing whatever comes to mind." The young wolf thought about it to nod. Amity started playing for her to soon hear,

Somewhere over the rainbow. Way up high."

His voice was soothing and clear as Amity stared at him from being surprised by his voice,

"And the dreams that you dreamed of. Once in a lullaby.
Oh, somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh."

When (Y/N) finished the first verse he noticed Amity staring at him. He all of a sudden felt embarrassed as he stopped singing, his cheeks became red, he flattened his ears, and looked away from Amity. Amity quickly realized that she made him embarrassed, so she tried to make him feel better, "Your singing voice is great. It was just weird hearing you sing so well, since I rarely hear you say full sentences." The young boy looked at her for Amity to smile, "How do you know that song?" A smile appeared on (Y/N)'s face, "It very special to me." Amity's heart skipped a beat as (Y/N)'s smile seemed warming and was adorable. Amity then focused on the piano, "Well maybe one day you can play the song on the piano and sing it at the same time." (Y/N) gained a determined look that Amity recognized from before, "I will do it." Amity chuckled from this for her to continue their lesson.

A Few Hours Later

(Y/N) and Amity finished their lesson for Amity to give him some homework to do until they met again. When (Y/N) made it home he laid on the couch for Luz and King to soon walk in as they laid on the couch. Luz was looking up at the ceiling, "So how was your day (Y/N)?" "It fine. You?" "Well King and I became authors, and we got put in a box where if we didn't write another book then we would of died." Eda was the last to walk in to sit on the end of the couch. It looked like she also had a rough day, so (Y/N) got up and went to the kitchen. Some time later King sniffed the air, "What is that smell?" He walked into the kitchen to see (Y/N) set a pan of something on the counter. Luz then walked in to see what was in the pan, "Oh you made brownies." (Y/N) looked at the brownies, "Did not know name." Luz picked one up to take a bite out of it, "Mmm, this is good. How did you make this?" (Y/N) up a card, "Found recipe. Was dusty." Luz looked at it, "Oh, this must of been Eda's. I didn't know that she baked." King raised his arms, "Who cares. Give me the one!" Luz handed him one for (Y/N) to take the pan into the living room for the four to lounge around on the couch and eat brownies.

Somewhere Very Far Way

Two men were sitting at a table outside as a bunch of people were celebrating with many stands set up selling various items. One man put a photo of (Y/N) on the table, "Some emperor guy wants us to capture this kid." The other man looked at the picture, "Why?" "He said something about him being a Nature Walker, so he's valuable. We just have to capture him and he'll pay us quite handsomely." A sudden strong wind hit the two, making them look around to see nobody else effected by the wind. One man continued to look around, "What was-" He then spotted a pink ball of magic right in front of them. It exploded for a pink mist to surround their faces knocking them out.

A cloaked figure then walked up to the table to grab the photo. They walked far away and into an alleyway to look at  the picture of (Y/N). Tears fell onto the picture as the figure wiped away her tears to smile. She had long brown hair tied up in a long ponytail, green eyes, light brown skin, and a scar going through her left eye, as it was white due to her now being blind from that eye, "Little (Y/N)."

The Owl House x Male Reader (Luz and Amity)Where stories live. Discover now