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No One's POV

(Y/N) and Amity were being carried away by Otabin as he brought them to the children's section. Otabin wrapped (Y/N) in yarn and set him aside to press Amity against the page of a large book. He then grabbed a large needle with yarn through the eye of the needle, to begin sowing Amity's right arm to the page. When he finished Amity's arm became apart of the paper surprising the two teenagers. Amity looked up at Otabin, "Why are you doing this? I've been reading you since I was a kid. I know you're not like this. Someone changed you." Otabin smiled, "But friends are what I've sought. And now friends my claws have caught."

A sudden whoosh was then heard for a small cloud of purple smoke to come into the room for a girl dressed as Azura appeared. Both Amity and (Y/N) tilted their heads, "Azura?" The girl raised her head to show Luz, "Close." She then looked at her outfit, "Is it drawn okay? I kind of interpreted the descriptions." (Y/N) nodded for Amity to become agitated, "Luz!" Luz looked at her, "Ah right." She then read from Amity's diary, as she had written something in it, "The good witch Luzura grabs her trusty staff." A staff came out of the book for Luz to grab it, "All right, beloved work of children's fiction. Let go of them!"

Luz charged the beast as she swung her staff at it, just for Otabin to grab her staff, and the diary. He closed the diary making Luz return to normal making her chuckle nervously, "Not an Aluza fan, are you?" Otabin grabbed Luz to put her on the page next to Amity, to sow Luz's right arm to the book, "Making friends, taking friends, never be without friends." Luz struggled, "You fiend! You can't rhyme friends with friends!" Amity rolled her eyes, "Great job Luzura." "Hey I was trying to save you." "Well it doesn't matter, we're gonna be stuck together forever."

(Y/N) was in his ball of yarn as he saw that Otabin was distracted by putting the next line of yarn through the eye of the sewing needle. The Nature Walker could not move his hands preventing him from using magic, so he turned into an animal. He was bunched up inside for him to hear Amity and Luz knock the large book that they were stuck to over, hitting Otabin as the two ran off. (Y/N) quickly repositioned himself to turn back into a person, with arm now sticking out instead of his head. He made a magic circle to make himself grow. The yarn tore apart for (Y/N) to be laying down on the floor as he was now just half-a-foot shorter than Otabin. He stood up to hear Otabin somewhere else in the library. 

Meanwhile Luz and Amity were resting somewhere in the library for Otabin to throw his sewing needle towards them. It pierced through the book allowing him to slowly begin pulling them close. Amity managed to grab a ladder, that was attached to a bookshelf, and hold onto it tight. This made the thread attaching her to the book's page become loose, to have her arm come free as the yarn broke.

Otabin brought the book close enough to grab it, and begin sewing Luz even more into the page, "You squirm and fight, yet scream and shout. Buy friendship always will wins out." Otabin started putting threads over Luz's face, for (Y/N) to come up from behind Otabin. He brought his arms under Otabin's armpits and brought his arms up making Otabin bring his arms to the side unable to move. This made Otabin drop the book, for Amity to charge at the fictional monster with a book cart. 

(Y/N) let go of Otabin and side stepped for Amity to hit him with the cart making the monster go flying back into a bookshelf on the wall. (Y/N) shrunk back to normal size, to walk up to Luz, and make one of his claws come out to cut all of the string around Luz. Luz sat up to look at her arm, "Ah, 2D how I've missed you." Amity walked up to the two, for all three of them to hear Otabin, "We must stay friends until the end. There is no tear that I cannot mend." He went to grab Luz, but (Y/N) stood in front of her to hold Otabin's palm open. (Y/N) struggled a bit for Amity to begin writing in the book that kept her and Luz prisoner before, "Luz has to right a wrong." A large eraser then came out of the book for Amity to toss it to Luz. As (Y/N) held Otabin back, Luz quickly ran up to Otabin's chest where his book was. He erased the drawing on the Otabin that was in the book.

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