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A/N: "So I don't know if all of you know, but my computer no longer works. So it will be a while until this story gets updated after the chapter after this one. This is because this chapter and the next one is focused on (Y/N)."

7 Years Ago
No One's POV

The sun was setting as (Y/N) was sitting on a wooden board in a circus tent. He was checking the back of his right hand as it had a scratch from a whip mark. He then looked at his ankle, which had a chain tied around it, as the chain had a spell that prevents him from turning into an animal. The other end was tied to a hook in the ground. The flap in his tent opened for a woman to walk in. She was dressed as a trapeze performer, had long brown hair tied up in a long ponytail, green eyes, and light brown skin. She had a jar full of some gel like substance and a roll of bandages in her hands. (Y/N) knew the woman as she had been coming to see him for the past four months.

She walked up to (Y/N) to kneel down and hold out her hand. (Y/N) gave her his hand for her to examine his very minor wound. She opened the jar to reveal ointment inside when she got some on her fingers. She started rubbing some on the wound making (Y/N) wince a little. The woman continued, "It's okay. I know it hurts, but this'll make it feel better." She wrapped his hand in bandages to look up and see (Y/N) hanging his head. She held up a finger, "I'll be right back." She left to soon return holding something that (Y/N) had never seen before. The woman sat next to (Y/N) to see his visible interest in what she was holding. She held it to face him, "This is a book." His ears were up as his tail swayed from side to side.

The woman opened the book to begin reading, "Long, long, long ago, there was once a witch, trapped by an evil troll." An hour and a half passed for it to be dark out as the woman was still reading, "She then casted a giant fire spell hitting the-" She stopped when she heard snoring. She looked to her side to see (Y/N) asleep on her arm. She smiled to lay the boy down, "Goodnight little (Y/N)."

A Few Days Later

(Y/N) was in an empty circus tent as he sat on a small platform in his animal form. A few feet away at the tent's entrance the ringmaster stood with whip in hand. A few adults set up some props creating some sort of obstacle course. It had rings that he would jump through, stages with gaps of water that he would jump over, and finally he would climb a ladder and jump off of a plank onto a trampoline. He completed the course to do it over and over until the ringmaster finally said that he was done.

(Y/N) was back in his tent and chained for him to hear a man's voice, "If he catches you talking to that thing-" He then heard the kind woman, "He is a child." "Whatever it is the ringmaster doesn't want anybody to talk to him. Wants him to be like the animal he is. I'm just warning you Tabatha."

(Y/N) then saw Tabatha walk into the tent with a smile, "Hello (Y/N). I heard that you did very well today." The boy nodded for Tabatha to sit next to him for (Y/N) to notice that she was carrying a sack. Tabatha reached into it to pull out a roll of freshly baked bread, "Here, try some." (Y/N) took the bread and bit into it. His tongue danced with joy from the taste as he squealed with joy with his mouth was closed, and kicked his feet up and down.

Tabatha giggled from the boy's joy to then pull out something else. This gained (Y/N)'s interest as she held it towards him. It was round, made of a shiny brown metal, and had a flower design in the middle. Tabatha grabbed the top half and brought it up for a pretty witch figure to pop up and spin as music started to play, "This is called music. This melody is particularly made by what's called a piano." (Y/N) took it as he was entranced by the sound. He then heard Tabatha, 

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