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August 10, 2005.
Mission success.

Draken's saved, which means Kisaki won't be 2nd in command. And by the way you'e been communicating with him, you might even find out the root of all of this.

"Michi- The hell are you wearing?" You walked in to your brother, styling his hair up with a weird outfit. "What? Style!" He answered smugly.

"Ew." You commented making him irk a nerve. "Atsushi's waiting for you." You said bluntly, ducking as he pounced towards you for an attack. "You little-" Your brother stood up, ready to attack you once again.

You may want to dodge that. A voice warned, this time it seemed to have a heavy accent with a young man's tone.

He tried to punch you as you leaned to the side making him fall once again. "Just let me hit you once!" He yelled.

No. Another male, seemingly older, said.

"No." You repeated.

You came back downstairs to Atsushi watching the show you were watching as you packed a couple things since you wanted to go outside as well.

By a couple things I mean, your pocket sketchbook, a pencil and a box of Pocky. You also packed a couple of tupperware with Curry. You heard it was Draken's favorite, and you were visiting him afterall.

"Let's go!" Takemichi said enthusiastically as you and Atsushi cringed. "You wanna ditch?" You asked as you approached the magenta-haired male. "We can't do that." He shook his head disaapointedly.

"Bye, kitty." You pet the cat as you leave, slinging your bag over your shoulder. "Are you sure it's safe to take in an alley cat." Atsushi asked as you locked the door. "Eh, he'll be fine. He's pretty behaved." You shrugged as you both awkwardly followed your overly confident brother.

"He looks so lame." Atsushi deadpanned. "How are you related to him?" He asked, as you shrugged still cringing at your brother's antics.

"Shouldn't have wasted our time saving that jackass." He said, regretting his life decisions. "Tell me about it." You agreed.

Your brother's an ass. A voice commented with a judging tone.

'You think?'

He's always been an ass. Another said, the same tone, but a female this time.

ASShole, jackASS, dumbASS, ASSbaby. Yet another laughed. You couldn't help but laugh as well. This confused Atsushi, but he let it be.

bASStard. Get it? Another joke.

That was bad.

I'd like you to think of a better one!

You ignored them as they argued and continued to watch as your brother embarrassed himself.

Atsushi finally had to leave you two as you visited the hospital. "Hey Draken-kun! How you holding-" He was cut off as Draken gave him a cold stare. You could see the older male's eye twitching.

"Quit acting like a jackass!" He yelled, making your brother flinch. "Ho- How am I acting like one?" Takemichi asked as you sat down, setting down your bag.

"Seriously, why can't you be like your sibling!" He pointed to you. You wouldn't let it get to you but you were delighted someone basically complimented you. "You wouldn't understand Draken-kun... What it's like to live in the shadows." Your brother grumbled.

"Don't mind him, he's being a drama queen." You told Draken making him deadpanned.

Dramaqueen?! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! The voices echoed through your head like an empty stadium making you wince.

"This is the first time anyone's ever looked up to me! Let me live a little, okay?" Your brother yelled. "Wow, I can't believe you'd admit something so depressing at max volume." Draken commented.

"By the way, Mikey told me to give you this." He leaned over and handed a uniform to your brother which made his eyes sparkle. Draken cringed a bit. "He was gonna give it to Y/n." Draken joked.

"That was Mikey's first uniform when he started Toman. That uniform is as important as life itself." He said, 'Wow.'

Yeah, wow indeed. The usual monotone man said sarcastically. You could even imagine him rolling his eyes. If you knew what he looked like.

"Everyone in Toman knows you're a hero, Takemichi. Including me." Draken said, slowly getting out of his hospital bed and standing up. "Thank you." He said, bowing to show his gratitude. "Take good care of that uniform."

Eventually Draken told your brother that Mikey should be waiting on the hospital roof so you were left alone with him.

"Is that Curry?" Draken looked over your shoulder. "Huh? Uh, yeah, Emma-chan told me you liked them and it might have been a coincidence it's my mom's favourite too." You answered, taking out some plastic utensils along with the tupperwares.

I wish I could eat.

'Please shut up.'

"I didn't know if you wanted it spicy or not." You confessed making him chuckle. "Emma-chan said she couldn't visit today since she'll be busy so this is kind of her compensation."

"Thanks, Y/n." He said, sitting back down on his hospital bed. "Oh, it's no worries. We had it for dinner cause our mom was in the mood for some." You told him.

"No, not for the Curry." He said. "Well, yes, the curry too. But also, the doctors said if you hadn't suppressed my blood from overflowing, the chances of me dying would've been bigger."

"So, thank you." He said as you handed him one of the containers with a spoon. "It's nothing, really. Is there something you'd like to drink, I can go buy some." You told him, taking your wallet from your bag. "Water's fine." He said as you nodded.

As you left the hospital for the nearest convenient store, the feeling of deja vu seemed to hit you. "Ah, Hanagaki-san." Someone called as you inserted a bill to the vending machine. "Long time no see." He said.


'Don't say that- Nevermind.'

"Yes, long time no see Kisaki-kun." You smiled, trying to sound nice. To be fair he has been nice to you. "What have you been up to?" You asked, picking up the can of soda from the machine and inserting another bill for a water bottle.

"Oh, nothing much, just some planning." He said. "I heard your brother saved Toman." He said, his voice darkening a bit. "Huh? How'd you know?" You asked, suspicions rising as he smiled. "Rumors- are rather news spreads like wildfire, Hanagaki-san." He answered.

"Right, right."





The voices repeated as you tried to hold in the pain you felt in your head. "I should be going now, Kisaki-kun. I still have to get this to someone." You said, picking up the bottled water as you waved away from the boy.

"Rumors spread like wildfire." Do you know how suspicious that sounds? An older male nagged.

"What does he mean by rumors?" You asked them as you entered Draken's quarters. "What rumors?" He asked, making you flinch a bit. "N-nothing!" You laughed nervously. "Y/n-chin!" You heard a distant voice coming closer as Mikey approached you.

"Hello, Mikey-" You were interrupted by a tight hug that was probably enough to break your ribs. He finally let you go as they laughed while you tried to catch your breath.

'It seems really peaceful.'

Yes, but Peace is such a fragile thing and yet even if you make sure to keep it safe, it'll slowly fade away like a glass in the sea.

Such a fragile thing.

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