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"Hey, Y/n." You opened the door to Atsushi. You smiled before calling your brother. They left, leaving you alone.

You could buy that new watercolor. But that means you'll have to go outside.

Or you could coup yourself in while starting a new project and not finish it afterwards. But that's unhealthy.

Coup inside it is.

"This is Boringgggg." You whined, finally shading your new drawing. You closed your pen, kept your things and put on a jacket, locking up your house and finally leaving your home.

You hissed at the light that got into your eyes as you left your house.

Walking to the store, made you look like some kind of vampire. As you entered the store, you skimmed through for the watercolor you were looking for.

That's all you needed.

That was not what you bought.

You bought everything but the watercolor. New graphbook -for some reason-, A couple of canvases, some acrylic pen. But not the watercolor.

'My money.' You cried internally. "Is that all?" You heard someone ask, making you jump.

"Ah, Kisaki-kun." You sighed tiredly. "I heard there's this new watercolor, which is really great for different textured paper.'' He thought out loud. "I couldn't find it." You answered. He hummed, still thinking. "Well, they're probably sold out." He informed. You wouldn't admit, that made you slightly upset.

"Come on, there's probably some in the next store." He pulled you towards the counter, paying for your stuff and taking you to a different store.

He was right. There are far more supplies than the store you usually go to for your needs.

And there it was. Winsor & Newton watercolor palette. But of course, it costs a lot. "That's it right?" He asked, taking a pallet. You checked the tag.

*'¥4,700. Shit.'

*A/n: About ₱2,045 or $40.99 exactly*

"So tube? Or palette?" Kisaki asked, holding a box of the choices. "Huh? That's even more expensive than this one!" You nagged. "Hm? Palette would definitely be better, right? But then again, tubes would have a larger amount in it, I'm guessing.'' He ignored you, analyzing the products.

"Hey!" You called. "Eh, let's just get both." He said, pulling you once again to the registrar.

"Your total is ¥10,050."

*A/n: ₱4,500 or $88 estimated

The cashier said, a bit shocked by the total. You were too.

He handed her the exact amount. How did he get that? Who knows.

"Alright, anything else you'd want?" He asked as you both left the store. "H-hold on, Kisaki-kun!" You panicked. "Hm?" He turned to you. "Wh- How- What?!" You stuttered. "What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"It's just... That was really expensive and you bought it. Where did you even get that much money! Or, why would you do this? And why are-" He chuckled. "I find you a very interesting person, Hanagaki-san." He smiled. "Well, I should be off. Enjoy your supplies." He waved.

'Well isn't he nice...' You thought 'Wait- HE'S A MURDERER!'

You heard sirens wail throughout the road. You see people running in a secreted corner. You see them argue. Two blonds, short and tall. You squint to see harder. You see another blond pass out.

'What an idiot.' You thought. You tried to pry even more before realizing. 'Shit! That's my idiot!' You panicked, calling an abulance as you .

The guys put him in the ambulance as you made your way to the hospital. By then, you'd be able to see if he'd be okay.

He'll be okay.

You finally arrived, pacing back and forth as you waited for your brother. Eventually they did arrive.

It wasn't long until they did arrive. Your brother just had some injuries due to being punched and kicked multiple times, causing him to faint due to moderate blood loss and his body not getting too used to sudden strong impacts.

The next day wasn't as bad as you thought. You went to get some food for both of you. Hina said she was on her way to visit so you won't entirely be alone. You placed some of the food you bought on the table near his bed when someone entered.

"Uh... Hi?" You looked at her. A blonde in a cyan off shoulder blouse, her eyes seemingly tired. "Hey, I'm here to visit Takemichi-kun." She said, a bit anxiously. "Oh, Go ahead, Is there anything I can get you?" You asked, taking your bag with you. She smiled and shook her head.

"I need to buy something, so uh, could you please watch over him for a while." You requested. "Sure." She answered politely.

You left to buy a drink. You're an idiot.

You bought so much food for your brother and his possible guests, but here you are, going back to buy a drink.

"Hanagaki-san..." You turn around to see Kisaki.

Boy, is this fate or is he a stalker? ...

Let's go with Stalker.

"You look troubled." He said worriedly, handing you a juice box. "I'm alright, my brother just got into an accident." You answered, picking a drink from a vending machine. "I see." He paused. "If you would need any help, I'm sure my contact is saved in your phone." He smiled.

"Thank you, Kisaki-kun. But it's quite alright." You smiled, taking a can of soda from the slot. "Why are you helping me?" You asked, coldly. The boy looked at you, cold sweat dropping on the back of his neck.

"No, I, uh, I didn't mean it like that." You explained calmly. "It's just... you're being extremely nice to me. It's only been like, less than a month since we met. 2 weeks, I'm guessing."

"I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, Hanagaki-san. You're very intriguing." He said, a seemingly fake smile plastered on his face.

He still killed you and Hina. A voice reminded sympathetically.

"Thank you for your offer, but I don't think I can accept it.." You declined, making your way back to your brother.

'I'm going to find out your true intentions soon, Tetta Kisaki.'

"Y/n!" Hina called, speeding up so she could walk beside you. "How's Takemichi?" She asked. "Asleep, probably." You sighed making her giggle.

'If Michi wasn't with you, I'd probably take the chance.' You joked in your head.

As you approached your brother's quarters, you heard someone cry. A girl? You looked at Hina and she had a worreid expression.

Hina pulled the curtains, still panicking slightly. "Takemichi-kun, are you alright?!" She asked hurriedly. You both stood there, looking at your brother as he stared back. The girl sobbing, her head layed on his lap.

"Uh? Whuh? What the- That's disgusting!" Hina shuddered, gripping the curtains. You watched the scene unfold. Half dumbfounded, half trying to keep in your laughter.

"What is-?" Your brother asked, looking down at the girl. "I-IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE, HINA!!" He reasoned. By then you couldn't keep it in.

Your laughter died as you see Hina still slightly disgusted by the scene. You patted her back, still lightly snickering.

"I- I'M GOING HOME!" Hina announced, trying to sound firm. "I should go too..." The girl said, little teardrops still forming in her eyes as she tried her best not to let them out.

"Welp, 2 girls at once. I'm disappointed, Michi." You said in a teasing manner. "You'll be discharged tomorrow, but you still need lots of rest." You explained as he took a cup of ramen which you prepared angrily.

"You're lucky I didn't tell Mama. You'd be dead now." You warned making him shudder.

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