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Three days passed like a storm wind. Your brother was finally on his last piece of the puzzle while you were preparing food for yourself since you've already fed him.

A knock on the door was heard and you went to check it. You made sure the stove was turned off beforehand.

"Well if it isn't the Mizo Middle Crew." You said, letting them in like a doorman with a gesture. They laughed as they went in, heading straight upstairs to your brother's room.

You heard them talking, until it was silent. You went to check on them before you heard them burst into loud laughter. You sighed tiredly, the last thing you needed was if something happened to your brother. Again.

You heard knocking on the front door once again. It must be Hina then. Even if your brother did stupid stuff, she was pretty patient with him.

"Hina, you're really too ni-" You cut off your sentence as you looked as a tall and broad figure. Male, blonde, tattoo. You panicked internally before finally composing yourself. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yeah, I'm here to visit Takemichi. Am I in the wrong apartment?" He asked, studying his surroundings. "No, no. Uh, he's upstairs." You answered.

"Thank you." He bowed.

'Well he's polite for a... delinquent. He must be one right?'

"You're his friend too?" You asked, seeing as he has watermelon, you handed him a kitchen knife. He nodded. "Yes and thanks."



"I'm assuming you're his sibling?" He asked. You nodded, returning back to your cooking. "First door to the right. That's his room." You informed.

You brought them a few cups and a pitcher of juice. "Thanks, N/n." Your brother smiled, you nodded back.

"You must be close with them." You heard Draken comment. "Yeah, they might be a year younger, but they're like my twin." You smiled at your brother's response.

It wasn't long until you got back to the kitchen to hear a loud crash. Then a loud yell.

'I'll never get to eat you at this rate.' You cried, looking at the ramen you prepared.

You hurriedly checked on them, seeing Draken smash your brother's puzzle and him yelling. You shook your head, going back to the kitchen. Again.

"I'm gonna sever all connections with Mikey." Draken said, standing up with a dark aura. "Toman is no more." He said coldly, making his way out the room.

He looked at you for a bit before changing his expression. "Thanks for letting me in, Y/n." He smiled lightly before leaving.

"H-hold on a minute, Draken-kun!" Your brother called, pushing you a bit so he can catch up to the taller male.

"What do you mean 'Toman is no more.'?" He panicked. You peeked from behind your brother to see Draken staring at a shorter blond.

There seemed to be an intense staredown as they looked at each other agitated by the other's presence.

"Huh? The hell are you doing here?!" The shorter blond asked angrily.

"Ah? More like the hell're you doing here?!'' Draken retorted.

'He's gonna get crushed, look at their difference!'

'Nah, he'll be fine.' Your consciousness argued.

As you looked at the shorter one, you shuddered.


"Just shoot then. They aren't important are they?" You heard a voice internally before you winced. "Y/n?" Your brother turned to you.

"I'm f-fine." You assured, rubbing your temples. Your brother looked at you worriedly before he left to see what was going on. "Mikey-kun?" He asked.

'So that's Mikey.'

"I came to see how Takemitchy's doing."

"Well, so did I."

You could hear multiple voices once again.


He's evil.

He's dangerous.

"Mikey-kun! That's my precious bike, Hayate!" Your brother panicked. You decided to leave before things got rougher.

You couldn't.

"Hold it right there, you bastards." Your brother warned coldly.

"He's gonna get fucked up..." Atsushi said nervously. They came rushing to your brother as he tried to attack the blonds. "Y/n! A little h-help... Please!" Atsushi called, you walked calmly to your brother, flicking him in the forehead as he calmed down a little, still resisting to hit the other guys.

"Oi! What was that for!" He yelled at you as you shrugged your shoulders, leaving them.

"Who was-" You heard Mikey ask as Draken apologized frantically only to be cut off by your brother. You didn't hear the rest of their conversation as you walked into the plaza of your neighborhood.

You sighed. You slumped down, arms on your abdomen as you sat on a staircase. You felt a book in your jacket's pocket and you reached to take it out.

Hickory Brown, Pocket sized, Lily carvings on the leather binder.

The object that pulled two souls together, slowly binding them. No one ever would've thought that such a simple thing could bring you to so many mysteries yet to be unravelled.

"Well would you look at that~." You heard someone speaking from infront you. You look up to see a tall man, black hair with some blond parts in the front, cold but excited yellow irises stare into yours.

"That's so cool! You must like, draw to survive or sumn cause this is good." He said. "Thanks?"

He examined your current drawing more, only to come to a conclusion. "Hey, that looks like a friend of mine!" He said, "Well, no, not friend. Colleague? Acquaintance? Probably, but this looks just like him." He chuckled.

"Really?" If he knows him, he must know him right? If they're colleagues that's a step forward! You could ask this guy about Kisaki.

"What's his name?" You asked, continuing to shade your drawing of Kisaki. You don't know why you decided to draw the guy but you just did. Subconsciously remembering his features as you draw.

"Kisaki. Really cool guy. Weird but cool." He answered. "And I'll be honest, his hair kinda looks like a corncob." He whispered as if he was talking rumors about the guy. You agreed, snickering.

"That's what I called him the first time we met!" You remembered, it was really awkward. "So you've met him?" You nodded. "Oh and don't get me started with his hair before ALL that. Damn it looked like a swirly corn maze." He mocked.

He'd probably be dead if Kisaki heard him but you gotta admit the guy was fun.

"Hanma Shuji. I hope I get to see you again~" He said holding out his hand. "I'd love to talk shit with you more." He grinned.

"Hanagaki Y/n, and likewise." You laughed.

"Well, Hanagaki-chan~"

'Chan? Eh.'

"I should be going, it was nice talking to you!" He waved goodbye skipping around.

Well he didn't seem so bad. Except his acquaintance with Kisaki.

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