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"You're starting to sound like Naoto..." Your brother whined. "'He's a murderer. He killed our siblings'. Like I don't know, THAT'S THE REASON I'M HERE, AIN'T IT?!" He mocked.

"Well, he has a point!" You defended. "YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH KISAKI!" He argued. "We aren't friends!"

"You know, you should worry more about that Draken dude." You nagged, sketching how you imagined Mikey. Surprisingly, your brother said you were doing a great job.

"EXACTLY WHY I'M GOING TO BE HIS BODYGUARD!" He yelled excitedly. "Takemichi, stop yelling. It's too early!" Your mother scolded tiredly.

"You won't succeed!" You called before he left. "Where's he going?" Your mother squinted. You shrugged and packed your things, kissing her on the cheek before leaving.

"Y/n, over here!" Naoto called. "My sister's been really moody recently." He groaned. Today you were hanging out with him to get some things for Hina. Apparently she's on her episodes. Something sweet would do, right?

"Is she on her period?" You asked. "No, if she was, I'd never get out of the house helping her."

You nodded. "Something bothering you?" He asked, taking another box of chocolate. You shook your head. He looked at you.

"Just... Do you like... I don't know... Heard voices before?" He stared in confusion. "Like your consciousness?" He suggested. "Yes, but no." He glared at your confusing answer.

"Like, different voices. Lots of it usually." You explained further. "No, no I haven't." He shook his head sadly. You frowned. What was happening to you?

"I have to meet up with Hotaru, you wanna come with me?" He asked as he paid the register. You nodded, taking a candy pack and paying for it.

The walk to Hotaru's studio wasn't far. His brother has worked as a dj in the past when he wasn't working as a music producer. Doesn't that sound great?

"Yo, Naoto, Y/n." Hotaru waved. You noticed that the studio was in front of some kind of abandoned car lot. You wonder why.

Doesn't matter.

"Anyways, Y/n." Hotaru snapped you out of your daze. "You've been off lately." He said suspiciously. You laughed it off, trying to shrug the idea out.

"Hey." You called Naoto as Hotaru left to get something from a different room of the building. He hummed in response. "Do you believe in time-leaping?" He looked at you skeptically, "You sound like your brother." He chuckled. "I'm serious!"

"'You sound like Naoto, You sound like your brother.' What is it with you comparing me to others!" You mocked and whined making him laugh. "You sound like me?" Naoto asked. You shrugged as Hotaru came back with a couple things.

"Naoto, here you go." He handed Naoto a book. "What's that?" You asked. "A Sherlock book. Apparently Hina-san's been into it lately. My sister went through that phase too. Just keep up, eventually she'll get sick of it." Hotaru chuckled.

"And here, Y/n." He handed you a pack of graphite pencils. "Just because I broke the last one, I'm sorry."

Rich bastard. You thought. "Thanks."

"Thanks again." Naoto said. You left, you eyes trailed trying to pry a view of the lot.




"Oi!" You were pulled to the side as you stumbled.

"What's wrong with you!" Naoto nagged. "You almost crossed the street! Do you know how dangerous it is!" He scolded, flicking your forehead. "Sorry..." You mumbled apologetically, yet your eyes still glued to the lot.

There were people. Dangerous looking men you'd say.

"Sorry." You said again, a bit louder. Naoto looked at you worriedly before pulling you to a bus stop and bringing you home.

"I'll see you at school." He said. You chuckled at him as he left muttering. You saw your brother thinking intensely.

"Y/N!" He yelled, making you flinch and drop a box of Pocky Naoto had given you on the way home. "What?" You glared, picking up the box.

"I need help!" He yelled, running towards you and grabbing your shoulders.

"Where's Naoto?" He said, shaking you by the shoulders. "He's... on his... way home- STOP SHAKING ME!" You answered, then yelled, kicking his leg. "Ah! Thanks!" He winced, then shoved you, dashing out.


"You're coming with me." Your brother came back, pulling your arm as you ran to the Tachibana's. You tried to keep up your pace as he kept pulling you.

"Ring the doorbell." Your brother commanded, which made you confused and irked a nerve. "Why me? YOU ring the doorbell." You disagreed.

"Naoto's your friend." He reasoned. "Hina's your girlfriend." You argued.

At the end of a 3 minute argument, you rang the doorbell.

"Coming!" You heard Naoto call. He opened the door as your brother stretched out his hand. "Put it there, Naoto." He said. You both looked at him before they shook hands. Your brother shook it off afterwards, going home.

That's it? He just... leaves? Damn.

"Why are you here?" Naoto asked. You shrugged. You saw Hina walk by the hallway of their home before she looked at you. You stared at each other for a split second before she came to you

"Y/n!" She said, pulling you towards her room. "I need help..." She fumbled. 'Well shit.'

"With what?" You asked, sitting down. "So, your brother..." She trailed off. "Was it that Brothel issue?" You asked, she flinched and looked at you embarrassed. "YOu knEw?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"Kind of." You said. "Well, no it's not that..." She said slowly. "I need help with asking him to the festival."

'Shit indeed.' You weren't good with this kind of stuff. You could tell that, but she'd be disappointed. But then again, she'd understand. "Hina-chan I..." Right?

She looked at you, with pleading eyes. "What if he says no!"

Nope, you can't tell her that now. You can't disappoint her.

'Just give her some simple advice.' Simple. 'The fuck do you mean simple?!'

"I'm sure, if you ask him casually, he'll say yes. He's not the type to decline this." You consoled, patting her head making her blush lightly. "Okay!" She cheered in determination. "Thanks, Y'n!"

You smiled before leaving. Waving goodbye to Naoto and their mother in the kitchen as you did.

You left the apartment looking drained. Mentally and Physically.

'Why must the universe hate me?'

my heart belongs to you | k. tettaWhere stories live. Discover now