11 || M I C A E L A

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It was finally Friday the last day before the weekend starts and also meaning that it's been a week since I started school.

It was finally Friday the last day before the weekend starts and also meaning that it's been a week since I started school

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I didn't give much attention to the bios before heading to school excited to see a certain boy. I didn't have to pass by my family house to leave Catalina with them because she was already with them since they decided to take her to Disneyland which also meant that the twins also went and I was left by myself.

I didn't really want to go to school but Callum was going so I went. It was the only way I could see him for right now. And I also didn't want to leave him alone where Jake could do something to him. I wanted to check if he was doing okay like I have been doing these past few days.

I had a little talk with Jake last time about leaving Callum alone in which ended with Jake being hospitalized for a few days but in the end he agreed though I was still being careful cause I don't know if he would follow up with his words. But I made it quite clear what would happen if he were to disobey me.

I've tried to see if there have been any more bruises on Callum but I have not seen any so far. But I have noticed that sometimes when he moved quickly he would wince or touch his side putting pressure on something.

Not wanting to put pressure on him or anything I would only observe. I now know that he is being abused by his family. There's no one that bothers him here anymore so it can only be a home situation, something going on behind closed doors.

I want to get close to him not only to know more but to be more than friends. I know, I always said that I would not fall in love with someone nor go after someone but I just can't help it with him. He brings out someone in me that I never knew about.

These past few days all of my thoughts have been surrounded by him. We have been talking with each other during our classes but it was mostly all about the work. He still thought that I didn't know anything, he probably thinks I'm stupid or something.

During this week I've noticed that I've been falling for him and I was falling hard. Everytime I look into his eyes it feels like heaven on earth. Those beautiful light brown full of innocence yet they were dark with many depressing emotions.

The feelings I felt for him started when I first took a good look at him. The way my heart would skip a beat or start to raise made me think it was going to explode.

His eyes were the main reason that drew me in because it told me more about who he is. His happiness, shyness, innocence, yet behind all of that sadness shone brightly in those beautiful eyes of his.

But it didn't mean I wasn't scared 'cause I was. I have a lot of baggage with me. There are a lot of things people don't know about me, like I'm the most powerful yet deadly person in the whole world, what if he found out and was to be scared of me. I've noticed the way he would stare but I never confronted him not wanting to make him feel embarrassed.

I'm not being a self centered bitch but I know he has feelings for me. Why else would he stare when I'm 'watching' the teacher teach, when in reality I'm watching him from my perhervision.

I am quiet and reserved but I do observe my soundings and especially if I want to know something. I mostly observe for my safety but it is useful for finding out things people think they can hide.

So I observed how he is with me and other girls. He doesn't have any friends from what I can't tell but girls do tend to try to talk to him, especially the little slut and her friends. It's kind of weird since I saw her in some dude's lap the first day of school during lunch time.

But he would only brush them off and move on with his day. He would be tense around them but when he's with me he looks calm the tornaton in his eyes would also go away. He would only give them one word answer and to me he would at least say more.

I realized my feelings for him when Amber was all around him trying to get him to talk to her. Least to say I got jealous and mad cause she was trying to get with him when he doesn't belong to her.

I would see her looking at him durmiendo passing periods, thankfully we don't have any class with her, or even try to touch him. But since he doesn't like being touched he would doge her hands. It would make me angry, cause she doesn't get to touch him.

I know my world can ruin his innocence but if I have to give up my life for him I will have no second thoughts. But today I plan on asking him out. I want to make him mine.

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