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warnings : cursing, weapons, slight (?) manga backstory ( i made it as vague as possible though ).


UNDER THE COVER of the night, [name] met up with kageyama in the back area of the building.

she sighed when she saw that she was early. the breeze made the trees sway along, the crisp air bringing back the memories of a few days ago when a whole demon horde was around this area.

the girl kicked a pebble from under her shoe. she sported a normal attire of a shirt and a pair of jogging pants similar to what kiyoko wore for her manager uniform. her wisteria haori was still present, sword hidden behind her back.

she gazed up at the bright moon, wishing her fellow demon slayers good luck.

they covered for her since [name] told them in advanced about her meeting with kageyama.

"don't die, [mispronounced name]!"

"oi, she isn't gonna die you boar head!"

"guys, she can handle herself fine!"

"[last name]?"

"ah," she spun around, greeted with kageyama jogging towards the field with a volleyball and a water jug in his hands. "hello."

"hi, good evening."

he bowed slightly when he was close enough out of respect, and when he rose, [name] pointed for him to put away his stuff.

"let's warm up a bit first, kageyama." she advised the student.

and as the night passed, the two exchanged somewhat of a more interesting conversation while they stretched their muscles out with basic exercise.

"what's soryu, by the way?" kageyama asked, crackling his knuckles as he set the ball towards a concrete wall to warm up his settings.

"soryu?" [name] repeated. "it's another form of traditional martial arts. nothing magical."

he picked up the sarcastic tone in her voice. "magical, huh. so do you use hands and legs, maybe even weapons?"

"ye — wait... weapons?" the girl stopped herself from answering so mindlessly; she nearly forgot this guy wasn't part of the demon slayer corps.

kageyama tilted his head to the side, catching the ball in his hand and tucking it next to his arm. "yeah? what's with your face?"

[name] frowned. "nothing wrong with it. do you have a problem?"

"i — no!" the setter quickly spat, raising the volleyball towards his face from embarrassment when he realized he almost insulted his classmate.


"i meant, there's... there's nothing wrong..." he muttered the last few words, dropping his arms to his side with the ball still in his clutches.

his eyes were looking everywhere but the girl to avoid blood rushing to his face. "you just... looked a bit pissed at yourself."

"maybe i was, maybe i wasn't," [name] shrugged. "i don't see the big deal though, it's not like i'm a statue whose face has to be pretty all the time."

"but you are pretty all of the time."

her eyes widened when she heard those words spoken from her friend. looking at him with a curious face, she opened her mouth to speak.

"did you just say something?"

"heh? i said nothing."

she paused, before sighing. she probably heard an invisible voice that shot a compliment at her. although, [name] had to admit, it was nice being recognized by her beauty, since she wasn't the prettiest in her childhood.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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