1.23 - The Beginning or The End?

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We were all sitting in my dorm room for our final study group since the midterm was tomorrow.

"Is there even a point to study if we just have the answers?"

"I'm tired of hearing your complaints Fujiwara, don't you get tired of saying the same thing every time we study?" sneered Konno.

Konno was right but I did see where Fujiwara was coming from. "This is just in case the answers aren't correct Fujiwara, even then this will help you in the long term when it comes to our finals. There is no proof that right now that you can obtain the answers to another test." I commented.

"I know I'm complaining a lot but I'm in need of a break, I can't wait for our summer break It was a surprise when Akira-sensei said that our entire year would be taking a vacation together," Fujiwara said.

"Well apart from that, did you get everything I sent you Ayanokōji-kun, with the exams tomorrow I don't think we need to worry about anyone else," Sawa said amicably.

"Yeah, I did thank you for doing that"

"No need to thank me, you helped us all out with your plan I should be thanking you." Sawa finished with a smile.

"It's true thanks for helping us out so much Ayanokōji" Fujiwara chimed in.

"Yup, thanks" Konno added.

"No problem" I replied. I really did this for my own benefit and to test the capabilities of my fellow classmates. I have a better understanding of 'normalcy' thanks to the tutoring. On a different note this vacation...

"Ahh, these last week few weeks have gone by so quickly, it's crazy that we have already been in school for a couple of months now," Sawa commented.

"It really has been since this school is so different it really hasn't hit me that I haven't been able to contact my parents or any of my friends from junior high." Fujiwara mused.

I would think that it's pretty normal for high schoolers to miss their family and friends but I had not heard many complaints from the students around me, maybe the fact that the school makes life here so competitive keeps most of the student's minds off that fact that this is just a cage with a lot of perks and freedom.

"I guess you are right, with exams and this whole s-system It kept my mind off of it," I lied. I was enjoying this normalcy. "What about you Konno? Do you miss your family?" I asked.

"Not particularly, I'm enjoying this freedom that the school provides," she replied. "Anyways it is getting late I think I'm going to turn in early tonight, that should be fine, right?"

"No, I understand, good luck on your test tomorrow." I waved as she quickly got her belongings and left my dorm room leaving me with Fujiwara and Sawa.

"Thats not fair Ayanokōji-kun! If I asked to leave early you probably wouldn't have let me!" complained Fujiwara.

"Sure wouldn't"


"Konno does her work without complaints and like I've said before the whole point of studying right now is to get in a rhythm so that you will do it even after the test is over, I don't think I need to worry that she won't continue with this schedule."

Giggling to herself over our interaction "That's true, she is more serious than you Fuji!" Sawa said.

"You don't need to agree too!" Fujiwara almost screamed. "Just wait I'll prove you wrong, next exam I'll get a better score than you Sawa!"

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