1.1 - S-Sytem

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I slide the door open to reveal a rather basic-looking classroom, half-empty just like my view on life. Looking around the classroom I can already see several classmates interacting and talking to one another. I decide to walk around and look for my seat which I find at the back of the room near the window a great place to sit for someone like me who enjoys staring out the window. I sit down and start looking around the classroom again, the classroom slowly starting to fill up, the students who got here early are either talking to one another or they are sitting down quietly. Perhaps I should talk to someone?

Should I take action? I don't know If I'm capable enough socially to start a conversion with someone, maybe if someone comes up to me. However, life never goes the way you plan and I must resign myself to the fate of looking outside the window that has been graciously gifted to me. Perhaps, later I will get another chance to talk to my fellow classmates. I need to pump myself up for IF that time comes.

Awoken by my thoughts by my seatmate who is currently staring daggers at the back of my head, I turn to see the girl at the entrance ceremony that had light blond platinum hair and crimson eyes she is still exuding that same imposing aura she had during the entrance ceremony. I simply nod at her which she returns, I then proceed to look back outside the window.

'Why is she staring at me? Did she notice me clap late during the entrance ceremony?' There's no way she could have you would have noticed that. You would need to be quite observant to pick me out of all the other students. The classroom is full at this point – the door slides open for the last time to show what I can only assume to be my sensei.

"Alright quiet down and find a seat, Good morning to all you, students. I'm the instructor for Class A. My name is Akira Suzuki. I teach sciences and mathematics. However, at this school, we do not change classrooms for each grade. For the next three years, I will be acting as your homeroom teacher. I hope that we can get along, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Now, let me distribute the written materials with information about this school's special rules."

'Why would a school need special rules?'

The students in the front seats passed back the documents. This school was different from any other school in Japan. Students were required to live in dormitories on the campus. Also, except for special cases and the reason that I initially chose this school, students are forbidden to contact anyone outside of the school. Family can't contact you with permission from the Chairman and leaving school grounds with special permission is also forbidden.

The campus had tons of facilities, a theater, cafés, boutiques, a karaoke spot. This campus is a small city built directly for the students. Quite excessive for high school students If I must say so. This school also has another unique feature: The S System.

"Alright listen closely, I will hand out student ID cards to every one of you. Using your card, you can access any of the facilities on the campus, purchase goods from the stores, and so on. It's pretty much a credit card, however, you need to keep track of your points if you run out of points don't expect anyone to help you. Anything located on the school premises is available for purchase. Your student cards can be used simply by swiping them through the machine scanner, you shouldn't get confused its pretty self-explanatory. Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first of every month. You should all have received 100,000 points already; one point is worth one yen." 'Something is not right here'

Most of my classmates are just looking at each other with their jaws wide open. This is quite excessive; we had received a 100,000-yen monthly allowance from the school upon admission. This is quite a large sum for a high schooler.

"Are you shocked by the amount of points that you have received? This school evaluates its students on their talents. Everyone here has passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your value and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth. Do what you like with your points once you receive them. If you have extra points or don't want to spend your points, you may transfer them to someone else. However, extorting money from your peers is not allowed. This school monitors bullying very carefully."

My classmates erupted in cheers, while Akira-sensei is just looking at all of them with a grin?

"Does anyone have questions about the S-system?"

I raise my hand "Akira-sensei may I ask you a question" all my classmates turn and are looking at me.

"Mhmm, yes Ayanokōji-kun?"

"Sensei, do you pay your taxes?" everyone in the class just looks completely confused at my question including Akira-sensei.

"Where did that come from Ayanokōji-Kun, of course, I pay my taxes it's the law!" he said with a nervous laugh.

"I see Akira-sensei, I guess we can talk about this in-depth on May 1st if that makes more sense to you?" Akira-sensei now is sweating bullets with that same nervous smile.

"I can't wait for that talk Ayanokōji-Kun, I'm expecting you to surprise me." Oh great, he had to phrase it like that now my fellow peers are going to start to expect things of me. I look at my classmates just looking at me confused and my seatmate is.... just hard starring at me with a grin. 'Weirdo' I thought to myself.

"Alright, I assume there are no more questions. Now this year the school has decided to do something new it's called the OAA!"


As you can see this chapter is self-explanatory basic s-system overview. However, I have thrown my twist and thoughts on the s-system. You will have to find out in the future where I decide to take the story. :)

I also decided to add the OAA app, there will be a few twists to it. I just feel like the app is a great idea and has a lot of potential when it comes to me being able to be creative with future special exams.

If you see any issues grammatically don't be afraid to point them out!

See you all next time,


Posted 11/11/21

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