1.4 - Security Cameras

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How did I get myself into this mess?

I am currently walking around campus with my seatmate Kiryūin Fūka, she wouldn't take no for an answer initially well I thought she was just leaving at the same time as me but boy was I wrong. I even tried multiple experiments to see if she was following before I confronted her.

First, I would stop then take one slow step forward and she would do exactly the same, If I took a step backward, she would also take a step backward. Is this bullying?

Well, let's bring it back to the beginning where I exit the classroom –

My original goal was the keep track of all the security cameras on campus for future reference. ANHS is 600,000 square meters, I wanted to find the spots where there were cracks in the security cameras for future reference. I knew that this would not be a quick thing so I planned to go solo to make this faster and, I also wanted some peace.

I did not even notice that Kiryūin-san left at the same time as me, I was too far gone in thought. It wasn't until I stopped and looked up at the security cameras on our floor did, I notice.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"What are you doing?" she simply replies back to me.

"How long have you been there? Have you been following me?" I simply responded.

"I was interested in what perfect score-kun would be doing when you turned down Kiriyamas invite, so I thought to follow you."

"You could have at least asked me; this is just you openly stalking me." I retorted.

"I think we both know that you would have declined me if I asked and I'm not stalking I'm simply looking around campus at the same time you are."

Well, she isn't wrong unfortunately and her statement would hold up If I reported her to sensei. Maybe I should test her?

*Sigh* "Alright Kiryūin-san, what do you think I'm doing?"

"It's quite simple, I think you are looking for cracks in the security cameras, you've been looking up at the ceilings and the position of all the cameras." She grinned after saying.

This girl is observant, she probably did see me clap late at the entrance ceremony... maybe I could get something out of this by allowing her to come with me.

"You're right, quite observant of you. How about this I will allow you to join me if you do me a favor in the future?" There are some things that I will need help with in the future and she could possibly help me.

"A favor? What kind of a favor? Hopefully nothing inappropriate?" Kiryūin replied with a grin.

"I need help with something, anyways what have you noticed about the S-System so far?" If I can get some information her, I can see if she is someone I can use in the future.

"I think there quite a few hints dropped today, what are you thinking about in particular?"

She didn't bite, she is even trying to get information out of me.

*Shrug* "I'm not sure, nothing is definitive that's why I asked you maybe we could bounce ideas off of each other if you accept my previous offer." Hopefully, with this, she will either leave,  and I get my peace or If she decides to stay, I may gain more information on the S-System.

"If you can guarantee me that's it's nothing inappropriate, I will agree to your previous offer perfect score-kun." She teases.

I nod "It is nothing inappropriate I can promise you that at the very least, also can you please stop calling me perfect score-kun? I do have a name."

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