1.3 - Character Introduction

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After Akira-sensei left the class erupted.

"Wow, this is crazy! There is no way there isn't some type of catch to this!" One girl exclaimed.

At least, they are aware there are some strings attached, it would be crazy if you didn't think otherwise. What school would offer all these perks just on enrollment? Anyways this may be a good time for me to slip away and start putting my next plan to action.

"Everyone, before you leave can you please listen for a moment?"

A fair-skinned male with black hair and bangs that are swept to the right side of his face and has brown eyes called for everyone's attention. He looked like an honors student, one that was afraid to go against the rules even.

"Since we are going to be classmates for the next 3 years, I think it would be great for us to introduce ourselves to one another. Are you all okay with that?"

This student did something even I was not capable of doing. He got their attention easily and was able to silence the majority of the students.

"I'm okay with that, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make friends" commented a girl.

"Okay great, I will start with myself. My name is Kiriyama Ikuto, in junior high, I was on the student council so I hope to join the student council while attending ANHS. You are all welcome to use my first name or drop the honorifics it does not matter to me. As you can see, we gained a lot of new information about our school and even learned about private points but I must urge you guys to be suspicious of the S-system, I believe there is no such thing as free in this world. I would like to be our class representative in the future if you are all okay with that."

Oh, Kiriyama- is not bad, he has some suspicions about the S-system, and he got some of our classmates to realize that there is no such thing as free in this world. He even tried to solidify his own position by saying he would like to be the class representative.

"Can we start it in the front and work our way to the back of the class?"

Everyone simply nodded at him

He turned to the front and said to the boy "Great, let's start with you."

"Sure, um hello everyone my name is Yasui Shig, I am very confident in my academic ability, so if you ever need help with a subject don't be afraid to ask me for help! I'm looking to make friends with everyone as I don't know anyone here. Also, I'm totally fine with you being our class representative Kiriyama-kun you seem quite trustworthy!"

Amazing, I'm almost jealous of how easy that seemed for him. How do people speak to big groups of people so easily?

"Nice to meet you Yasui-kun, I hope we can be friends too," said Kiriyama

Yasui-kun sat back down and simply nodded back at Kiryama.

"Alright, looks like it is my turn! My name is Ishikawa Mana, you are free to just call me Ishikawa! I hope to get along with all of you too! I plan on going shopping after this if anyone wants to join! I have a habit of being loud but don't be afraid to tell me to be quieter!" yelled Ishikawa.

'This girl is loud' I thought to myself

Kiriyama simply nodded to her, is he not going to bring up how loud she is? Is it just me who thinks that? No, I can't be the only one, she even mentioned it in her introduction I look around the room and see one of the other girls in the class is covering her ears with her hands. Maybe someone will say it privately instead of accidentally embarrassing a classmate on the first day.

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