1.11 - PE Class

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It's been one week since the entrance ceremony; I haven't quite gotten used to my new life but I was enjoying it. In the mornings I would work out with Horikita-senpai, while my time in classes was trivial and boring my classmates minus Fūka just let me be for the most part. Today was different though, we would be heading to the gymnasium for a physical education class and it seems like most of my classmates are excited. As I arrived in the classroom I was already being asked questions.

"Good morning, Ayanokōji-kun"

"Oh, good morning Oshiro, why is everyone huddled together?"

"They're making bets for today's PE class."

"Bets? On what?" This seems interesting maybe I can make some money.

"The girls are betting on who the most athletic guy in our class is, while the guys are betting on who is the most athletic girl."

"Who do I need to go talk to, so I submit a bet?" I asked Oshiro.

"Oh, I didn't think you would be interested, you have to go to Kiriyama he is taking the bets." She paused before continuing. "A-Also, Ayanokōji-kun.... I bet on you so Good luck!" she ran off before I could even respond to her... that's the second time she has done this honestly that girl is like a rabbit.

I dropped off my stuff at the desk and went to talk to Kiriyama.

"Hey, Kiriyama."

"Hello, Ayanokōji did you want to join in on the fun?" Kiriyama responded with a grin.

"Depends on the odds and the rules, could you explain them to me?"

"Sure, first the buy-in is 5,000 private points. The girl who gets the most 1st place finishes in the competitions will be the winner, simple, isn't it? The payout is like so."

Total Payout = [Stake x (Numerator/Denominator)] + Stake

Kiriyama continued "The girls who have a higher chance of winning like Kawashima-san and Matsuda-san are not going to pay as well as like Oshiro who currently has 20/1 odds. Here are the current betting odds for the girls in class."

I scanned the tablet to see the odds, I saw something that piqued my interest.

"Kiriyama, are the bets anonymous, and who holds the points?" I asked him.

"I will hold the points and if you don't wish for anyone to know who you bet on, I will keep it anonymous."

"Alright here I will send you my points and I will place my bet on ----"

"I see. Good luck Ayanokōji." 

With that, I headed back to my seat to talk to my seatmate.

"Fūka, did you join in on the betting?"

"No, I was interested at first but the odds weren't good enough for me."

"So, why not bet on someone with lesser odds and hope something nice happens?"

"I'd rather not waste my points in hoping in something like that."

"I see, and here I was hoping you voted for me" I teased.

"I tried, but so did almost every girl that's why I decided not to join in." she calmly replied.

I tilted my headways sideways in confusion "Huh, why would you guys vote me and not someone like Sada who is on the tennis team?"

"You know, you're pretty dense..." Fūka let out a sigh.

"Dense, dense about what?" I asked, I really didn't understand what I'm dense about.

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