1.18 - Maturity

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It's been a couple of days since my talk with Akira-sensei and the information about the S-System that we went over in class. There have been no notable changes in the class however tomorrow we will start doing study groups. I've noticed that there have been changes in my seatmate and friend, since our meeting with Akira-sensei she has been quiet and reserved, almost like a completely different person... I figured I would message her and invite her over for dinner.

Kiyotaka - [Hey, want to have dinner together tonight?]

Fūka - [Mmm, what spurred this on?]

Kiyotaka – [I'm bored and just want to hang out]

Fūka – [I guess when should I come over?]

Kiyotaka – [Anytime is fine with me, I will start cooking here in about 30 minutes though]

Fūka – [Alright, I'll start heading over soon then]

I closed my phone and started tidying up my room. After I finished tidying up, I started to cook dinner, tonight I wanted something simple so I made fried rice. Everything was almost ready when I heard a knock at my door.

I turned the burner down too low and walked over to my door and opened it up. Fūka slipped inside in silence and I walked back to the kitchen to finish up the food and set the table.

Noticing that we would probably just eat in silence I decided to speak up. "Hey Fūka"

"Yes?" she responded questionably

"What's going on?" I then took a bite of my food.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's clear something is wrong; you've been reserved and quiet rather than your usual self."

She hesitated to answer my question but finally spoke up. "I've been self-reflecting" she muttered.

My eyebrow raised "Self-reflecting, can I ask what about?"

"I think I'm going to stop teasing you"

"Oh, and why would you do that?"

Silence ensued before she explained, "Despite you not talking about yourself, do you think I haven't noticed the subtle hints that have been left?"

I see what is going on here.

"And? So, you're going to change yourself because you are pitying me?" I stated.

Fūka rolled her eyes "I think you're misunderstanding me; I have no intention of pitying you however since before I had no one I could call a friend before coming to this school, I thought my actions were immature."

"I see, well it goes for both of us. I've been surrounded by older people or was left to my own belongings" I admitted.

"Mhm, so are you okay with me continuing teasing you?"

Honestly, I had no problem with it "I don't mind as long as it's not as much teasing as before, and can you tone it down with the husband talk."

"Hah, I probably should stop with that. It's fun to see all the girl's reactions though" she snickered.

"I do admit, it's amusing to see some of the guy's faces" I joked.

As much as I enjoy Fūka's company, I'm not entirely sure a relationship can bloom between us or If I want to ruin the friendship that we've created, I think that goes for both of though. I've really come to enjoy the experience of friendship, having someone whom I can talk to without having to worry that they would try to use me for their own sort of gain. 

"Hey Fūka, what do you think of this school?" I asked her.

"I think it's interesting but exorbitant, the whole S-system is extremely flawed in my opinion."

"What do you find flawed about it?"

"The school revolves around the students that want to achieve Class A, however, what happens if no one wants to achieve Class A?" she questioned.

"I agree, they said that only the elite are in Class A but are they really?" I mused.

"No not everyone can be considered 'Elite', even if someone graduates from Class B it doesn't mean that they are inferior."

Fūka isn't wrong, this school is entirely flawed from what we know, with the amount of money that is pumped into this school why even have a Class D? If they truly wanted the elite shouldn't they only allow a certain type of student that will try to change the future of Japan. This school is surrounded by mystery, I truly thank Matsuo for telling me about it though. 

"Do you want to hear a secret Fūka?"

"Depends, are you comfortable with telling me?"

"I wouldn't bring it up If I wasn't comfortable, and what I'm telling you is all speculation based on the conversation we had with Akira-sensei."

Fūka nodded in response

"I think that the entrance exam and interviews to get into this school are a sham, probably just a formality."

"What makes you say that most high schools have an entrance exam and an interview"

I continued speaking "Class D and the fact that Akira-sensei called me a 'Special student' the school has obviously done a lot of digging into their students past, the school has probably been in contact with the schools of each student."

"I mean, it's not very believable. It's not something you can simply prove." Fūka stated.

"Yeah, usually I would agree with you however the fact that the school knows about my existence is proof there is more going on with the school," I spoke

"W-what do you mean your existence?" she stuttered.

"I mean I ran away from home to come to this school." I calmly said.

"Huhhhhhhh? Wait what? Why did you run away from home?" Fūka exclaimed.

"I told you I had strict parents, well my father was strict and I was homeschooled so with the help of a friend I ran away"

There was a brief moment of silence. I could tell Fūka was just thinking and I simply let her while I finished the rest of my dinner.

"So, because you were homeschooled you think the school digs into a student's past? Shouldn't that disprove your point?"

"It should in most cases, however, what If I said that the chairman and my father used to be friends?" Well, I had no proof this was the case, but if the Chairman told Akira-sensei that I was a special student It could be possible that he saw me from the other side of the glass.

"Then your speculation becomes more accurate, however, what does that mean for the Class D students? At least in your case, you are considered top tier in the school academically and athletically."

I shrugged "I'm not entirely sure, but maybe it's why we view the system as flawed because we are missing the last bit of information"

"It's interesting but does it really change much?"

"No, I guess it doesn't"

Fūka meant that even knowing this information doesn't change anything on our stances towards this school and the way it works. We both will take advantage of the luxuries of the S-system. At the end of my three years here, I will hopefully be one step closer to learning about the peace that I've always wanted. 


Authors note -

Heh, my bad I haven't posted in a bit. I was busy writing reports for my classes and I couldn't find the motivation to write afterward. With the semester ended though I hope to be posting a lot more. 

On the positive, I will be posting the Character profiles for Class 1A soon, since this chapter is pretty short I hope that this will make up for it.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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