1.12 - Spider Dodgeball

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Spider dodgeball? I've read about dodge ball before but is this a variation of it? This could be enjoyable. We all gathered around sensei so we could hear the rules.

"Everyone will start on one side of the gym, on the other side of the gym will be 4 dodgeballs. On go, players can race to grab a ball once you grab a ball you're free to hit someone with it. If a player is hit with a ball and does not catch it, they must sit down. This is the twist though – if the person who gets you out is hit by another player you're allowed back in the game. The game will continue until there is one player remaining."

"Any questions so far?" asked sensei.

"How did you determine that there would be 4 dodgeballs for 40 students sensei?" asked Yasui.

"There will be 1 dodgeball per 10 students it will look like this –

1-10 students – 1 dodgeball in play

11-20 students – 2 dodgeballs in play

21-30 students – 3 dodgeballs in play

31-40 students – 4 dodgeballs in play

Yasui nodded to show he understood.

"Sensei, are we allowed to have multiple dodgeballs?" Kiriyama decided to ask.

"Good question Kiriyama, no you're only allowed to hold one dodgeball at a time." Replied sensei

Kiriyama nodded "Understood sensei"

"There will also be one more twist to this game, if you are holding a dodgeball you can only take 3 steps." Sensei continued "The last 3 students remaining will also win some private points from me – "

1st place will win: 30,000 PP

2nd place will win: 20,000 PP

3rd place will win: 10,000 PP

Interesting, I wonder how big my steps can be, can I just hop from one foot to the next 3 times? Those private points will be also an extra motivator for all my classmates, as I was thinking this, I could feel the stares from some of my classmates.

"Hey guys, shouldn't we just aim for Ayanokōji? Won't he be the biggest threat?"

"He is pretty quick he will probably reach the dodge balls first."

"I agree, he may be the biggest competition and he doesn't need private points after winning the bet from earlier. Maybe we should aim for him"

"G-g-guys, I don't think we should focus on Ayanokōji-kun, we should have fun," said a nervous Oshiro.

"You're only saying that because you like him!" said someone.

"T-that's not true, I just don't think it's fair!" Oshiro replied looking flustered.

"I agree, if you guys aim for Kiyo that just takes the fun out of this." Surprisingly Fūka took Oshiro's side.

"One of you is his girlfriend and the other has a crush on him, of course you guys don't want him to lose!" said a boy.

"Ooo, I will remember that jealous-kun" replied Fūka.

I was initially just going to stay quiet and watch how things play out but I will have to clear some misunderstandings. "Both Fūka and Oshiro are just my friends, and you are free to aim for me but those points are mine," I said confidently.

"tch, Ikemen" said that same boy.

"Are you sure Ayanokōji-kun?" asked Oshiro.

I turned towards Oshiro "I'm sure. I don't think this game will be as simple as you think it will be, but thank you for worrying about me"

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