1.0 - Entrance Ceremony

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April 1st, 2014

My first entrance ceremony is near. As I walk up to the big stone gate that will separate me from the outside world for the next 3 years I stop and look at my surroundings. All around me are young boys and girls dressed in their school uniforms. This school will be my next cage.

'Okay, let's find my "peace" here.'

As I walk through those gates I can only be in awe of the sheer size of this school. I could only think to myself 'Isn't this a bit much for high-schoolers?'

I decide to push that question to the back of my mind and follow my fellow classmates to the entrance ceremony. As I find a spot to stand and wait for the Chairman to speak, I look around and observe my surroundings.

'I see at least 5 security cameras in the gym alone, that's weird' My thoughts are soon broken by the Chairman.

"Welcome to Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High school! I am excited for all the new students; my name is Chairman Sakayanagi...."

*(Papayanagi deserves a first name Kinu...)*

'Ahh this is boring, I was expecting more' I decide to observe my fellow classmates, apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks this entrance ceremony is boring. Quite a few of my peers have their eyes closed looking ready to fall asleep. However – there are a few students who catch my attention.

A medium-sized male with blond hair and light blue eyes who is standing tall, he is stealthily looking around the gymnasium. 'What is he looking for?'

Also, I see a girl with chocolate-brown hair and purple eyes who is quite pretty, she appears to be listening to the chairman however she is also observing her fellow classmates. She has quite a smile on her face.

As I continue to look around the room, I see a rather interesting young man who has black hair in a ponytail and green eyes, He is staring at the chairman. 'Is he trying to intimidate him?'

Lastly, I see a woman with long platinum blond hair, crimson eyes 'She is quite beautiful ' the woman is grinning while looking around the room while exuding an imposing dominating aura the people around her look nervous to be around her.

"Lastly..."  said Chairman Sakayanagi

'Ahh it's finally almost over' I thought to myself

"This year we had quite an achievement on the entrance exams. For the first time in ANHS history, we had a student get a perfect score on the entrance exams."

'Uh Oh' I thought to myself, I can already feel my future peace fading....

"Give a big round of applause to Ayanokōji Kiyotaka from Class 1-A, he is the first student to ever score a perfect score on the entrance exams!"

While the teachers, Chairman Sakayanagi, and my fellow classmates started to clap, I decide to clap along with them and maybe hopefully I can get out of the spotlight...... everyone seemed to be looking around for me ... 'good' I still have a few more moments of my peace......

As the entrance ceremony ended, we were told to head to our classrooms to meet our fellow classmates and our teacher.

I started walking to my classroom, I quickly got lost in my thoughts about my possible introduction to my fellow classmates, I don't want to spend the next 3 years of my time here as a complete loner. I decided that I would attempt to establish proper relationships with my fellow classmates, I refuse to be a loner who eats by himself every lunch period. I guess one of the positives of everyone already knowing who got the perfect entrance exams is that maybe someone will come up to me and ask me about it, this could help me make friends. However, I don't want people to rely on me for study sessions, I want to be able to enjoy myself and experience the things I couldn't before.

I make my way and stop in front of my classroom door 'This is it'

I then slide the door open and -


This chapter is quite short, as you can see I skipped the bus scene. I felt that without Kouenji, Kushida and Horikita I shouldn't try to force the bus scene with Fuka and others. Also, the bus scene is quite boring in my opinion. Since we still don't know much about Kiyo and his interactions with the outside pre-ANHS in the light novel, a part of me wonders if Kiyo truly knows how a bus system works...

Fun Fact - April 1st, 2014 was a Tuesday which will increase this school week by one day. I've got to start preparing for interactions! :<>

If you see any grammatical errors feel free to point them out to me!

Thank you for reading


Posted 11/11/21

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