1.6 - Cooking

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We arrived at the dormitories around 7 pm. My new home for the next threeyears. We walked up to the reception desk and received our key cards and a handbook containing information about the dorm rules.

"What room did you receive?" asked Fūka

"401, you?"

"802, shall we settle into our rooms and meet in your room in an hour?"

"Sounds good"

We take the elevator up and as we arrive on the fourth floor, I wave goodbye to Fūka and walk towards my new home. I swipe my key card and walk-in. My room was about eight tatami mats wide, if I could smile I would, It finally has hit me that I have gotten away from my past. I put my groceries on the kitchen counter since they would be used later and walked up to my bed to drop off all the clothes that I bought. I slid down to the ground with my back on the side of the bed and stare up at my ceiling.

'Is this freedom' I asked myself. The quietness of this room, the feeling of having no one watch me. The ability to come and go when I want, I can eat what I want when I want. I could only be glad that I was admitted here. This would be the start of my new life.

I stood up and decided to take off my blazer and tie and place them on my bed. I was still wearing my white dress shirt, I rolled up my sleeves for what would be coming next. Cooking with my seatmate and first friend.

As I was re-organizing my room and putting away the clothes that I bought I heard a knock on the door. I walk up to the door and open it to reveal a ...... Fūka with a cat apron on? Well, this is surprising, I mean it doesn't look bad actually it looks pretty good but when did she buy it we were together most of the time, I didn't even notice.

"Oh, are you going to let me in Kiyo are you going to stare?" she teased.

"Sorry, come on in." I was surprised, to say the least.

"Let us hurry, I wouldn't want us to break the rules on the first day," Fūka said.

"I thought that only meant boys weren't allowed to visit girls after 8 pm?" I asked.

"Oh, did you want me to stay here a while, I'm flattered~." She said with a grin on her face.

"Anyways Kiyo, what do you know about cooking or rather what can you cook?"

"All I can cook are eggs." I mused. 

She just stood there looking at me



"What?" I finally asked.

"I didn't realize that I had to teach you from the beginning. This may take a while."

I nod

"The first thing that you should learn is how to properly use a knife, it's probably the most complex thing about cooking, you can say that once you know how to use the knife everything else is easier. Tonight, we will start with a basic dish – Oyakodon."

"Okay sounds pretty simple," I said.

"I'll show you how to use a knife properly then you can start practicing, for Oyakodon we are going to thinly slice the onions. When using a knife, you want to tuck your fingers in like a cat so you don't cut yourself. "

"Nyah~!" Fūka quietly squeaked while mimicking a cat's paws as she places her small hands on the onion.


"I didn't know you had such a cute side to you." I teased. It really was a cute sight; she was acting like a cat while in her cat apron. I'm pretty lucky right now I must admit. If you look past her constant teasing Fūka is quite beautiful.

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