Chapter 1

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Their dream was to go beyond the walls together, to discover and explore the outside world. Not to be stuck here, in the midst of this war. In 845, their home was invaded by Titans. Except for the exception of Mikasa, they only had each other. We will start the story there, after the fall of Wall Maria.

Armin couldn't believe his eyes, his home...was gone. He was in a room by himself, or so he thought. Eren sneaked in, worried about his friend. Tears pooled down the blond's face as his hands tightened around something that couldn't be recognized just yet. " sneaked away from us to cry. Everything will be okay, as long as we stick together." Eren whispered gently. Armin jumped up and twirled around to find Eren looking at him from a closet.

The dark haired boy tried to walk over to where the other was, but the boat rocked side to side, making him flap around frantically, trying not to fall. Armin giggled at Eren, who glared at him playfully in the process. He finally reached to the blond's bed and sat down next to his best friend. Hands automatically found each other in a simple grasp. A soft yawn escaped Armin's lips, eyes droopy as his head landed on Eren's shoulder.

"I promise, I will defeat every single Titan out there, they won't get away with this." Eren whispered in Armin's ear fiercely. The latter hummer as him eyes shut and he slowly starts falling asleep in Eren's arms. It seemed that the boy didn't notice the sudden change, since he started to ramble.

"Those titans are nothing but filth to me. How dare they destroy our home and kill so many loved ones? Our dream will come true, it has to be. No way am I going to die and not make it beyond the walls with you. Things will change but I can tell that this is only the beginning for this. A war might brake out now if not already, and I'm ready. I will join the military, the survey corps. I will destroy all of them...Armin, hellooo? Are you even...oh." He looked at the boy, surprised to find him asleep this whole time. His eye softened and he moved the sleeping body onto the lower part of the bunk bed and climbed to the top, joining his friend into sleeping for the evening.

Year 850....

"Eren! No!" Everything except for Eren's arm was eaten. Armin fell onto his knees and sobbed harshly. Why does he have to be so weak? He's nothing but a worthless tooo bag. Why do Eren and Mikasa stay friends with him anyways? There's nothing special about him at all. And to think that he never gave him that thing to him. Nor reveal his true feelings for his best friend. Having a crush at fifteen is not young at all, despite the haters.

"Love is a very powerful thing." He whispered to himself just when Mikasa reached him.

He sudden felt bad for putting himself in this situation of needing comfort and for always crying. Faint noises of 'Armin, where's Eren?!' rang through his mind as he looked down at the thing in his hands. The dream was gone, no way could Armin continue it after his death, it's a dream for him and Eren, no body else.

"I'm sorry, sorry. Now we can't have the dream."

You will make it, my love(Attack on Titan Story)Where stories live. Discover now