S1E5: Positive and Negative Friends

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'Bring out the red carpet Beacon, Spidey has entered the fray.' Peter said to himself

Peter sat on a small airship heading towards Beacon Academy, along with various other students that were accepted to the prejudice school. Peter compared the craft to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Tri-Carrier, but stripped of it pure awesomeness. And yet...even that place brought about some memories.

Peter was sitting by a small window wearing his normal civilian clothes. He managed to clean himself up slightly before arriving as well, but now he just wanted some peace and quiet.

"This better be a good choice." Peter muttered quietly, "I don't want this blowing up in my face, both literally and metaphorically...Brings some nostalgia though, my first few days at S.H.I.E.L.D. arriving at the Helicarrier...right...yeah."

Peter then heard the sound of a girlish squeal. Turning to his left he noticed Ruby, the girl he helped last night, was being literally hugged to death by some cute attractive blonde. She had fair skin and lilac eyes. She wore a tan jacket that bared her midriff, with golden brown piping and short, puffy sleeves with black cuffs that feature two gold buttons. Underneath this, she wore a low cut yellow crop top with her emblem on the left breast in black. A brown belt covered by a pleated brown piece of material reaching from hip to hip around the back of her waist, with her emblem emblazoned on the right-most pleat in gold. Underneath was a long, white, asymmetrical piece of material reaching to her knee on the right side, as well as a pair of black mini-shorts. She wore a pair of brown, knee-high boots and orange over-the-knee socks, with the right sock pushed down just below the knee. A gray bandanna is tied around her left knee. An orange infinity scarf and black fingerless gloves complete her outfit.

"Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me!" she cheered, "This is the best day ever!"

"Please stop..." Ruby gasped as her sister hugged her

The blonde then let her go before speaking, "But I'm so proud of you!"

"Rally Sis, it was nothing." Ruby sighed

'Nothing?' Peter thought, "You stopped a bank robbery with a scythe and fought a lady demon. All alongside Spider-Man and a grumpy old hag. There no 'nothing' about that.'

"What do you mean?" the blonde asked her sister, "It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees."

"I don't want to be the "bee's knees", okay?" Ruby retorted, "I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees."

'Normal?' Peter thought, 'With me around, there's no such thing as normal.'

"What's with you?" the blonde asked Ruby, "Aren't you excited?"

"Of course I'm excited Yang..." Ruby sighed, "I just...I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything."

Yang put her arm around Ruby, "But you are special. Besides, I heard that another student was allowed to attend. Rumor has it he didn't attend any of the minor academies like Signal."

Yang then looked off across the ship and noticed Peter sitting nearby. The last tee was keeping to himself. Everyone's attention was then drawn to news report being broadcasted on the ship.

"The City of Vale, known for its recent rise in crime the last few months, has been given a new sigh of Hope in the former of the mysterious vigilante known as Spider-Man. With his sudden appearance the other day, crime rates all over the city have fallen significantly. But danger still looms with the villainous crime boss, Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you, Lisa."

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