S1E1: No Purpose

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New York City, 2018. The home and center for nearly every superhero on the planet. Yet a place filled with hope, heroes, and people that never sleep still had its flaws. Crime was of course a daily problem both day and night. But with heroes everywhere, the good people of the five boroughs alway had hope of being safe.

"Someone help me!" a young woman shouted from an alleyway

"Quiet lil-missy." a large thug barked at her, "You won't be saved today-GAH!"

Suddenly the thug was picked up by an unknown figure and was trapped in between a nearby wall and some large web. The woman noticed a shadow swing away on the ground.

The figure landed on top of a truck before jumping off and shooting a web line, swinging across the city.

"Coming through!" he shouted to nearby civilians as he swung by

"Looking good Spidey!" one of them replied

"Hello New York!" Spider-Man shouted, "Today's a new day!"

Spidey did a backflip in the air before clinging to the side of a skyscraper. He took out his phone as it was vibrating, nearly hitting a flock of pigeons in the process, which got a cheap laugh out of several people who were watching him from the ground. He looked at the screen and realized it was S.H.I.E.L.D. calling him. Spidey put them to voicemail, not wanting to talk to them. He landed gracefully on the roof of an apartment building before slipping down the fire escape and into a window, which brought the webhead into his very own room.

Spidey walked solemnly up to his desk, taking his mask off in the process. The face of Peter Parker gazed at a picture of his deceased girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. Peter's disheveled blonde hair clung to his head with no product in it. He picked up the small picture of Gwen and rubbed his thumb across the image before putting it back down next to photos of his friends Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson, his clone Ben Riley, and his uncle Ben.

Peter was stuck in his thoughts until he was pulled out by a voice.

"Boss." a female voice said to him

"F.R.I.D.A.Y." he replied to his suit's AI

"You have new messages boss." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said to him, "First is from MJ, she says she'll be heading over to the Daily Bugle to file a story for Jameson before coming over to see you."

"Right." Peter muttered as he rubbed his forehead

"The next messages are all from Nick Fury. He wants you on the Tri Carrier."

"Right." Peter groaned, "Tell him I'm not coming."

"He says it's urgent." F.R.I.D.A.Y. added, which only annoyed Peter even more

"Fine, tell him I'll be right there."


Peter walked through the halls of the Tri Carrier. He wasn't wearing his Spider-Man uniform, instead he wore a white t-shirt, blue pants, sneakers, and a light jacket. Two guards escorted him to one of the Tri Carrier's conference rooms. Inside at the head of the table was a man with dark skin and one brown eye, while the other was covered by an eyepatch. He wore a navy-blue shield uniform and a black jacket.

Nick Fury. The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the left side of the table were two men. One was a young man in his late 20s to early 30s. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and wore a red-white-and blue spangled uniform. A circular shield was on his back a well.

Steve Rogers. Captain America.

The man to Cap's side was a man around the same age. He had black hair and brown eyes, and a goatee and mustache. He wore a red and gold suit of armor, with a blue circle on his chest.

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