Chapter 18

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I am awoken by someone shaking me. My eyes flutter open just to see Liz looking down at me. I then also realize that Luke's chest was pressed to my back and his arm was around still around my waist.

"Good morning honey, your mother called you in your phone but you were asleep so I picked it up for you. She wants you to come home as soon as possible." Liz informs me before handing me my phone.

"Luke." I whisper in an attempt to wake him up. That attempt fails so I shake him and with a grunt he wakes up.

"I have to go now Luke." I inform him getting up, him doing the same.

"Good morning to you too." He teases in his deep, raspy morning voice. He rubs his eyes sleepily, looking adorable with his bed head.

"Don't get sassy with me woman." I lecture him like my mother does to me. He giggles with a yawn and I have the urge to 'aww' him and squeeze his chubby cheeks.

"I am a teenage boy. Not a woman." He tells me before coming over to hug me. "Bye Katie." He bids farewell, dramatically blowing me a kiss as I get out. Realization hits me that I don't have a rude back and that I am also still wearing Luke's clothes. I think back to the last time I came here and walk through the neighborhood, nearing mine.

I am, no doubt, getting weird looks for my choice of clothing but I ignore the looks and speed up. I rush into my house and see my mother in the living room in front of the tv with her laptop.

"You were in TV!" She yells excitedly without even looking at me.

"Whoa. What?!" I ask shocked and beyond confused. I run over to her and she gives me a weird look.

"What on earth are you wearing?" She asks confusedly, cocking an eyebrow.

"My dress got wet from the rain so Luke lent me some of his clothes but I guess I forgot to give them back." I trail off, examining my outfit. The shirt still smelled of Luke, the shorts were comfortable but I look like a hobo.

"Oh, well anyway, you were on TV on one of those gossipy teen TV show things. I think it was TMZ or something like that. Don't worry, the things they said were positive." She assures.

"Oh. At least the stuff was positive." I mumble walking up the stairs like a zombie. I pull out my phone plopping onto my bed to check twitter.

People were mostly saying positive things but some were still hating but ya know, haterz gonna hate. Anyway most of the hate comments had comments from people defending me. I decide to follow some people, retweet and favorite some tweets. I get a mini heart attack when I see that I have over 200,000 followers. Way to stay in the shadows.

Getting sick of being inside while it's a beautiful, scorching hot day, I put on a bikini to hit the beach. Of course, I put on some sun screen cause you need to protect your skin kids. I take my phone and earphones with me and skip down the stairs with a towel.

"I'm going to the beach mom!" I yell before heading out the back door straight to the beach.

The soft warm sand massages my feet as the salty beach air speeds up my nostrils. With Panic! At The Disco blaring in my ears I walk further towards the water, setting down my towel on the golden sand.

I lie down, hoping to get a better tan, but after a while I start dosing off under the blazing Australian sun.

I feel shade coming over my face. I pull off my glasses to see a figure standing in front of me. Blinking a couple of times I make the figure out to be none other than Mr. Harry Styles.

He's wearing a tank top that nearly covers any of his chest and a pair of sport shorts.

"Good morning Ms. Clark." He greets politely, pretending to be a gentleman, which I know he is not. Most of the time.

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