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buckle up


"he didn't sleep with her."

"wait, what?"

kurenai looks up from her plate of breakfast, you staring at your food blankly.

"gray told me everything that happened last night. mira's little sister was super drunk so natsu tried to help her sober up a little before she went to sleep and she threw up all over his clothes, so he showered and changed. they've never slept together or had a thing."

"oh bitch..."

"i feel so fucking dumb."

"what are you gonna do?"

"i texted natsu last night and asked if we could talk. and he said no."

"he did?!"

"and then i said i was sorry, and he said 'i don't care'."

"oh my lord." she pinches the bridge of her nose, sighing.

"i think i'm just gonna go to the house and try to talk to him."

"i mean, it's worth a shot. pick up some of that spicy shit he likes, that might win him over."

"i'll stop by the store on my way there."

"it might not be the time for 'i told you so,' but..."

"shut up nai."

you go into your room to throw on a pair of leggings and natsu's hoodie, checking your hair in the mirror.

you rush to the store, throwing in all the spicy foods you knew natsu liked from the various times you two had hung out, grabbing a bag of treats for happy and a few other things before checking out.

you send cana a text that you're coming over, to make sure someone will let you in.

you take a deep breath before you get out of your car, gazing at the emblem above the entrance.

please let this work.

you gently knock on the door, eyebrows furrowing when the door seems to open on its own.

"hi (y/n)!" the sound of wendy's voice makes you jump, looking down to see her holding the door open for you.

"wendy, you scared me! hi honey."

"are you here to see natsu?"


"he's in his room. good luck, none of us have been able to get him to come out."

you greet some other members of the house as you head up to natsu's room, feeling your nerves beginning to intensify.

you gently knock, opting not to say anything yet.

"go away."

"natsu, it's me."

he picks his head up off his pillow, wondering if he heard correctly.


"it's (y/n)."

he sighs, staring at the shadow of your feet at the bottom of his door.

"i brought some of the spicy ramen you like. and those hot chips. and some treats for happy."

his lack of answer makes a lump form in your throat, knocking once and leaning your head onto the door.

"natsu, please let me in."

ironic that you're the one asking that isn't it?

you hear movement, giving you a second of hope.

gym crush - n. dragneelWhere stories live. Discover now