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"are you coming with us?"


"are you gonna skulk around for the rest of your life?" gray scoffs, adjusting the buttons on his shirt as he stands in natsu's doorway.

"and what if i do?" he grumbles from beneath the pillow covering his face.

"suit yourself man." he closes the door, sighing.

"i'm worried about him."

"me too." erza is waiting at the top of the stairs, hoping that gray would have more luck than she did.

"he still hasn't told anyone what happened?" erza shakes her head no, making gray roll his eyes.

"is (y/n) coming with kurenai tonight?"

"i think so. we are celebrating kurenai finishing a very important class, so i'd be surprised if she wasn't there."

"i'm gonna ask her what happened, this shit is ridiculous."

"this is ridiculous but it took you four years to finally confess your feelings to juvia?" erza shoots him a smug grin, watching his face redden

"this is not the same thing!"

"congratulations baby!"

"you guys! this is so cute, thank you."

erza and the other members of the house had put together a small bouquet of flowers for kurenai, as well as an "almost graduate" sash for her to wear.

you smile softly watching erza put the sash onto one of her shoulders, kurenai whispering something that makes both of them laugh before quickly kissing her.

if only

upon scanning the group, you notice natsu isn't with them. you feel a small pang in your chest, flashing back to the night you two spent together here months ago.

then you think of the girl from game night and realize she's not present either, angering you all over again.

you stay to yourself most of the night, the fairy tail members insisting on getting kurenai drunk to celebrate her.

you let out a laugh seeing her and erza dramatically serenading each other, dancing ridiculously.

"hey (y/n)." gray appears next to you, hand cupped over the top of his drink.

"hey. no tears over juvia tonight?"

"no, i'm aware of the fact she's my girlfriend today." he chuckles.

"did you need something?"

"yea, what's up with you and natsu?" you nearly choke on your drink, eyes wide.

"what do you mean?"

"seriously? you two haven't spoken in weeks and he won't come out of his room or tell any of us what happened."

"he's dating someone and i backed off, what's so hard to understand about that?"

"i'm sorry, what?! natsu definitely is not dating anyone."

"then who's that girl he slept with when we were all at the house for game night?"

"(y/n), he didn't sleep with anyone."

"i watched him flirting with someone in the kitchen and carry her upstairs, and come downstairs like half an hour later with completely different clothes on and his hair was all sweaty."

gray stares at you for a moment before bursting out into laughter, dragging his hand down his face.

"god, how are you both so dense?!"

"what the hell are you talking about?"

"that was lisanna, mira's little sister. she was drunk off her ass and she's clumsy when she's drunk, all of us were trying to keep her on her feet that night. natsu took her upstairs because she refused to stop trying to get more alcohol in her system, and like i just said, couldn't walk steady on her own. he changed his clothes because when he took her upstairs and tried to make sure she was okay to sober up and go to sleep, she threw up all over the clothes he had on. he showered and changed before he came back downstairs, erza told me about it the next day. and they've never slept together."

your eyes widen as gray talks, embarrassment rising.

"holy shit."

"that's why you two haven't been talking? because you thought he slept with her?"

"yes. well, partially. fuck, i am such an idiot."

"listen. natsu has been a pain in my ass almost as long as i've been alive. but nobody knows my brother better than me. he wouldn't even look at someone the way he looks at you. you have nothing to worry about."

"i... god i feel so dumb. thank you, gray."

"don't mention it." he nods as he walks away.

how stupid can i be?!

you pull your phone from your back pocket, opening your text thread with natsu

saturday, 10:39 am

are you okay?
you seemed upset with me last night
whatever it is i did i'm sorry

saturday, 5:46 pm

can you at least let me know you and kurenai made it back okay
you can be as mad at me as you want but i at least want to be sure you're safe

sunday, 9:05 am

(y/n) please
i'm worried sick ab you
like just like one of my messages to let me know you're okay

monday, 12:27 pm

you're stressing me out
i wish we could hang out again like before

wednesday, 11:00 pm

i didn't see you at the gym today
i really hope you're alright.

friday, 8:38 pm

erza told me you're fine
she asked kurenai for me
i'm happy you're okay
i wish you would just tell me wtf is going on so i can fix it.
this isn't fair.

"god damn it."

he's right
this isn't fair
i fucked up big time.

sunday, 1:24 am

can we talk?


natsu i'm sorry

i don't care.

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