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"well, this is it!" natsu leads you out of you two's uber, gesturing to a huge house at the end of a walkway.

"that is a big ass house. how many of you live here?"

"including the cats, seventeen of us."


you notice a large symbol above the main entrance, the same one natsu and gray had tattooed on them.

"what's that mean? you have a tattoo of it right?"

"oh, it's our fratrem symbol! we all have it tattooed somewhere."

"that's dedication..." you mumble, natsu gesturing for you to follow him to the door.

"i'm home!" he yells, a few people greeting him back.

"natsu, you're back!" a small girl with long purple hair runs down the spiral staircase in the front hallway, a white cat following behind her.

"wendy! whatcha doin' up so late?" he wraps her in a hug, her head reaching no taller than his chest.

"i'm studying! i have a big anatomy exam next week."

"ahh, you'll ace it for sure!"

she notices you standing next to natsu, slightly gasping and inching behind him.

"oh! (y/n) this is wendy, this is my friend (y/n)!"

"it's nice to meet you wendy."

"y-you too!"

the white cat clinging to the girl's legs lowly snarls at you, making you widen your eyes.

"carla! i'm sorry, she's always like this with new people."

"no worries."

"okay, i'm gonna go back to studying!" she waves to both of you as she scurries back upstairs.

"how old is she?" you raise a brow at natsu, her small stature and baby face making you wonder if she was even old enough to be in college.

"she's 17. she graduated high school early and joined up when she got accepted into the nursing program here. her and romeo are the youngest ones."

"really? she's gotta be insanely smart."

"she really is. our genius little sister."

you smile softly at his words, realizing how everyone here really operated like a family.

"laxus! move over will ya? i'm hungry!" natsu strutted into the kitchen, making the guy in there groan in annoyance.

"right when i thought we were gonna have a quiet night." the man's massive stature, scar over one of his eyes, and stoic expression made him pretty intimidating.

he gives you a simple nod, disappearing down one of the hallways.

natsu grabs a few snacks and some bottles of water, gesturing for you to follow him up the stairs. you look around as you reach the second floor of the house, all of the doors having some kind of decoration on them to indicate what room belongs to who.

natsu opens the door, motioning his hand into the room.

"after you."

his room is surprisingly neat, with a red comforter on his bed, a desk in the corner and a tv mounted on the wall. you notice a bowl of cat food and small bowl of water next to his desk, wondering where his pet is.

"happy! c'mere buddy."

a small blue cat with a green bandana in place of a collar crawls out from underneath natsu's bed, stretching and yawning.

gym crush - n. dragneelWhere stories live. Discover now