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'natsu: 18 imessages'

you roll your eyes as you see another notification from him, ignoring all of them. since game night at the fairy tail house, you refused to speak to natsu and even did a few workouts at home so you didn't have to see him at all.

and in a week, he refused to get the hint and continued to message you.

thankfully, kurenai was immersed in studying for a big exam for one of her final classes before she received her degree, so she was blind to the way you were shutting natsu out.

"natsu, you've gotta come out of your room sooner or later." erza gently knocked on his door


"you can't stay in there forever."

"go away."

erza sighed, hesitating before she walked away from his door.

at first, he was insanely worried about you, thinking that the radio silence from you meant that you were hurt or in danger. but, two days ago erza told him that kurenai said you were fine and at home, he'd locked himself in his room.

he was so lost on what he did to make you so angry. he racked his brain day and night, replaying every interaction he could think of to try to think of where he went wrong.

and he couldn't think of anything.

normally, he wouldn't be so invested in someone who didn't wanna talk to him. not everyone was receptive to his bubbly personality, and he was fine with that.

so why was he so hurt that you weren't talking to him?

he heard happy meowing below him, making him groan.

"what is it buddy?"

happy nudged his empty food bowl, giving natsu the saddest eyes he'd ever seen.

when natsu opened the usual cabinet with happy's food and toys, he was out of his kibble.

"for fucks sake."

he put a hoodie on over his t-shirt, pulling the hood over his head and stepping into the nearest pair of shoes.

"be back soon." happy nodded as natsu shut his door.

"you finally come out of your cave?" gray looks up from the couch, seeing natsu grab his keys off the wall.

"not now gray."

gray and juvia looked at each other with confusion as natsu left, surprised he didn't have a sarcastic comment for gray.

"he's really upset about (y/n) huh?"

"i don't even know what happened. it's like they just stopped talking."

"i'd never do that to you darling."

"i know you wouldn't." he planted a kiss on her forehead, making her swoon.

"i passed my exam!"

"oh my god! congratulations! we gotta celebrate."

"i'm so glad i'm done with that stupid ass class."

"what do you wanna do tomorrow? gotta do something fun since you're free from that class now." she laughs, pausing to think.

"what if we get some of our fairy tail people and go to that one bar? we all had fun last time."

you visibly pale at her words, making her raise an eyebrow.

"why are you making that face?"

"i uh... are you sure you don't wanna go just us two?"

"alright, spit it out. what happened?" she takes a seat next to you on the couch, folding her legs underneath her.

"natsu slept with someone else."

"someone else?! since when did he sleep with you?!"

"no, that's not what i mean! i haven't slept with him yet. but, at game night, i saw him flirting with some girl with short white hair when he was in the kitchen. she was throwing herself at him and i saw him carry her upstairs. and like 20-30 minutes later, he came back downstairs in completely different clothes and his hair was all sweaty and messed up."

"shit." her eyes widen.

"yea. but i don't really have any room to be upset because he's not my boyfriend and we've never done anything. but, i can't help feeling angry at him for it."

"i mean yea but... what's the point in him taking you out on dates and even asking his friends for help to make sure you have a good time if there's nothing there?"

"and of course it had to be another bitch with a white pixie cut." you both burst out laughing, but kurenai notices the distant look in your eyes.

"this is exactly what i was afraid of happening nai."

"no it's not. he didn't cheat on you or lie to you. it could be him being a dickhead, but i think it's just a break in communication."

"i just don't understand why he did all that nice stuff if it was for nothing. like, does he buy all his female friends flowers? does he ask for advice about plans an entire day in advance? i don't get it."

"you do have a point."

"i don't know. i'll figure it out i guess."

"oh, can you go to the store? we're out of milk and like all our fruit."

"yea, just text me a list."

"thanks honey." you playfully blow her a kiss, grabbing your things and putting on your nearest pair of shoes.

"milk, fruit, cereal, peppers, wine, gummy bears, this bitch." you let out a chuckle as you read the list to yourself, grabbing a hand basket.

"where is this damn food." natsu turns into another aisle, searching for happy's food. while he remembered the brand, he always seemed to forget which aisle it was in.

"they don't have your usual. okay. you want a rosé instead?"

he freezes hearing a voice on the other side of the aisle.

no way
she's here?!

he peeks his head around the next aisle, seeing you with a basket on your arm looking at the various wine bottles, talking on the phone.

without realizing, he steps fully into the aisle, a longing look in his eyes.

she's so pretty
i miss seeing her smile

you hang up as you put a bottle of wine in the basket, turning to get the rest of the things on your list.

natsu gasps, not getting out of the way before you saw him. 


"hey (y/n)."


"how are you?"

"i'm fine."

"that's good..." he begins to fidget with his hands, surprisingly you at his shy demeanor.

"you okay?"

"kinda not really."

"i would've thought your new girlfriend would be making you happy."

"wha... my who?"

"i'll see you around natsu."

he watches you walk down the aisle, absolutely dumbfounded.

girlfriend ?!
where'd she even get that idea?


yes i'm well aware that (y/n)s behavior is irrational and somewhat toxic but trust issues make people do stupid things sometimes, so it's gonna be accurately depicted here.

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