Constellations (Alex and Steph, LIS True Colours)

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 (TBH, the research for this oneshot was fascinating. I hope it's correct, lol.)

 Pairing: Alex Chen x Steph Gingrich  

   "So that one there, Gemini, it has an interesting story behind it," Alex explains as they cuddle side-by-side on the roof under a blanket, "They say it's made up of two twins, Castor and Pollux, and when one of them died-he was a mortal, I don't think the other was, well the other begged Zeus to make him immortal, so he made them inseparable in the sky, as Gemini."

   Steph smiles, nodding along to her space nerd's rambling. "Uh-huh, uh-huh. What about Aries? What's the story there?"

   The black-haired girl's eyes light up. "Aries? Well, it's supposed to be a golden ram from Greek Mythology. He rescued this dude called Phrixus and took him to Colchis, where he was sacrificed for the gods. Like, thanks a lot, right? But his skin became the Golden Fleece, which is super interesting, right?"

   "And what about Scorpio? With a badass name like that, there's got to be a good story to go with it, right?"

   Alex raises an eyebrow. "Are you trying to get me to tell all the zodiac stories?"

   Steph shrugs, smiling slyly. "Maybe? You sound so cute when you get all passionate and excited," She pulls her girlfriend into a quick kiss before commanding, "Scorpio."

   Alex shifts in her seat. "So Orion, the guy from the belt, right, said he would kill every animal. He was also said to be the most handsome man alive but not the best-looking person because that's obviously you, Steph-"

   The brunette blushes.

   "So he goes to Gaia and is like 'yo, make me a giant scorpion for me to kill.' And whoops, it stings and kills him."

   Steph snorts.

   ". . .Or at least that's the version Gabe told me. I've also heard his promise to kill every animal angered Gaia, so she sent the giant scorpion. As a reward for saving all of the animals, either way, he was placed in the sky. This is the more common version, I'd say. But Gabe told it so funnily, so I prefer the first one."

   Steph drapes her arm around Alex, her aura glowing a sparkling gold. "I like the way you tell it too, Chen," She lets out a relaxed sigh, looking skywards, "The stars look amazing tonight."

   "Yeah. . ."

   Steph grins mischievously. "You know what else is beautiful?"

   Alex starts to blush. "What?"

  Steph beams. "My ass in these tight-ass jeans!"

   Alex shoves her, nearly knocking her off the swing. Steph rolls her eyes and smiles, pulling her into another kiss.  "You're beautiful too, Chen. Probably more beautiful than Helen of Troy."

   Alex's eyes widen. "You really do listen to my stories!"

   "Of course! I appreciate everything you have to say, babe-ah, shooting star, make a wish!"

   "Where?!" The black-haired girl jerks her head back at the sky.

   "There. It looks like you because you're the light of my life."

   "You're so cheesy," Alex mumbles, squeezing her eyes shut to make a wish.

   "Alex, I love you!~" 

   "Yeah, love you too."

Femslash February 2022Where stories live. Discover now