Clouds (Komaru and Syo, Ultra Despair Girls)

505 15 3

Komaru dating the Fukawa System rights

Pairing: Naegi Komaru x Genocider Syo

Naegi smiles, hugging her girlfriend's arm and pointing at the sky.

"Look, Syo! That one looks like a tree! See, that fluffy part is the top with all of the leaves and stuff and that part would be the trunk, right? Oh, it's separating a little now. Quick, before it breaks completely!"

Syo huffs, tucking a strand of sangria hair behind her ear and looking up at the sky. "Huh? Oh yeah, I guess I can see what you're getting at, Dekomaru. But that's so boring! Such a boring shape! Let me know if you see something more interesting."

She then flops onto her back, taking off her glasses and shutting her eyes. Naegi groans.

"Come on, Syo, you promised you'd participate if I went out and bought you that barber chair. And then I let you cut my hair; look how cute it is! So you need to engage in the cloud watching." The brunette huffs.

"Dekomaru. . ."

Naegi grabs her arm and hauls her back into a sitting position. She then holds her partner by the chin, forcing her to look up at the sky. "You will do as I say. Now look." She orders.

Syo rolls her eyes. "You know I'm a serial killer, right? Okay, okay, um. . .Oh! That one looks like a knife! Just the type to stab a pretty boy with!" She looks back down at Naegi and winks, "Or an even prettier girl. Right through the heart."

Naegi smiles and kisses her. "Your way of flirting is so weird but I always understand so it's all good."

Syo runs her fingers through Naegi's hair and frowns. "Ah, fuck, I missed a piece. Lean forward; I'll bite it off."

"You're so weird, Syo."

"Yeah, but you love it."

"That I do!" Naegi kisses Syo's forehead and drapes an arm around her shoulder, "I love you, Syo-bean."

Syo raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, yeah, I love you too, Dekomaru, but what the fuck is a 'Syo-bean?'"

Naegi blinks. "It's like. . .a nickname. Like 'soybean' but your name is 'Syo' so you're a Syobean. . ." She trails off awkwardly.

Syo's eyes narrow. "Dekomaru, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, and you've said a lot of fucking dumb things."

"I know. Sorry."

"You didn't let me finish. It's not a bad thing though. It's stupid, but it's how my Dekomaru shows her love, yeah?! So it's fine."

Naegi smiles and looks upwards. "That one looks like a sheep."

"They all look like sheep, dumbass. Because of their fluffy shape, all fluffy and puffy and shit. You remind me of a sheep sometimes too, darling."

". . .Right."

"And so the serial killer fell in love with the sheep."

Naegi rolls her eyes and grins. "What a stupid sheep."

"What a sick, masochistic serial killer!"

Naegi flicks her. Syo flicks her back.

Syo grins and pulls Naegi into a bone-crushing hug. Instead of yelping like usual, Naegi smiles like an idiot and squeezes her back.

"I love you so, so much, did you know that, Syo?"

Syo makes a gagging noise. "Blegh! You're so gross, Dekomaru!"

The brunette pouts. "W-What?" She pulls away with a sad look on her face, "Oh, Sor-"

"Ah, I'm just kidding, Dekomaru. Get back over here!" Syo tackles her, making them hit the grass hard, "I love you so much too, my sexy, sexy queen! You've helped me improve my scissors skills so much!"

Naegi frowns up at her. "I thought we agreed you wouldn't kill anymore."

Syo's face goes blank for a second. ". . .Yeah, that's what I meant."

She flops off of Naegi, rolling so she's laying next to her, both of them looking up at the clouds. Naegi reaches for Syo's hand and grips it firmly. Syo squeezes the other's hand and sighs.

"I really do love you, Dekomaru. I know I don't say it a lot-mushy stuff isn't particularly me style-but I do."

Naegi smiles. "Love you too, Syo. You and Toko are my life now."

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