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11 minutes. I don't know how many times I've turned around to check that circular clock whose hands feel like they are frozen in time. I don't think I notice Jameson walking in with Leslie and taking a seat next to me even though he's not supposed to or the fact that I'm shaking until I feel his hand on my thigh.

"Don't shake," he says softly. "You're fine. Everything's going to be fine."

I nod. "Yeah," I breathe out but my heart is pounding so much I feel as if it's sending vibrations through my entire body. I feel him embrace me and it feels so warm. My head is buried in his shoulder and it just feels so good to hug. To hug somebody.

As luck would have it, I happen to look up right then and see him. Grayson. We lock eyes, and I know we're both thinking of the last night. There's anger, coldness, and just a hint of sadness in his eyes when he sees Jameson's arm draped around our chairs and his fingers lightly brushing my shoulder.

I can't tear my eyes off him. Till he does— and sits down next to a girl. She's laughing so hard and so is he. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy. She's leaning her head on his shoulder for a minute but he looks uncomfortable. He scoots over, but only to put his hand on her thigh.

His hand is on her thigh.

I don't think I can process what I'm seeing.

Am I dreaming?

"Hey Jameson," I ask, and he turns to me. His eyes are green. A cold, fathomless, green. "Who's that girl Grayson's with?"

He turns to me. Jameson's eyes widen.

"Leah, what the hell?"

"What?" I say, scared now.

"Who is she?"

"Who is she? Are you serious? That's Celeste DeVry. She's Grayson's ex girlfriend."

I stare at her harder. She may just be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. She's pale. Her hair is almost white but it suits her beautifully. Her eyes are a popping shade of blue, her skin is almost translucent, save the many freckles spanning her nose and cheeks.

I don't know why time feels like it's frozen. I don't have feelings for Grayson. He can have a girlfriend. So why am I feeling so funny and such pain of feeling so deeply betrayed— even though there was never anything between me and him? This new version of me is refusing to react; instead, my body is shutting down.

I feel my arms go numb as Jameson offers me details about Grayson's old relationship— details I do and don't want to hear. He says Celeste and Grayson were a big deal for the world of the "Imperial" families of the United States. Suddenly three fingers on my right hand begin to twitch without my permission. He says that Celeste's parents and Skye were excited about an alliance between their families, about a bond that would only make their regime stronger.

Electric currents bolt down my legs, shocking and paralyzing me all at once.He says that Celeste was in love with him— really in love with him— but that Grayson broke her heart, that he never treated her with any real affection and she's hated him for it. So why do they look so perfect today? Like they've loved each other since they were children and they know it?

"Celeste's been in a rage ever since she heard the rumors of how you guys were dating and that he fell for you, especially because you were supposed to be, like, fresh out of small town Connecticut, you know? Apparently it was a huge blow to her ego."

He pauses for a few moments, snorts, and then continues. "Obviously, she's very susceptible to these type of rumors— considering, well, it's very obvious to the rest of us that you hate each other with a passion."

tricks of time ― grayson hawthorne [the inheritance games]Where stories live. Discover now