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I'd been in Dr. McGowan's office for far too long. Occasionally, my gaze would flicker up to the clock only to find the hand not having moved an inch. It was a mistake going here for directions, because I'd been sitting here for the past 45 minutes listening to a lady who was far too clever to be a principal. It almost makes me wish I'd stayed with Thea.

"Leah? Are you listening?"

My gaze snaps up at her remark. "Yeah, yeah, sorry, uh...could you repeat that please?"

She smiles warmly at me. "I've  slotted  you  into  American  Studies  and  Philosophy  of  Mindfulness.  In science and math, you should be able to continue on with your current course of study, assuming our course load doesn't prove to be too much for you of course." Dr. McGowan took a sip of her coffee, and I mimic her. It was just as good as Thea had promised it would be; and it made me think how much truth was there to the rest of her speech.

"Now," Dr. McGowan, or, Dr. Mac—as she'd insisted on being called—continued, "in terms of electives and extracurriculars, I would suggest Making Meaning, which focuses on the study of how meaning is conveyed through the arts and includes a strong component of civic engagement  with  local  museums,  artists,  theater  productions,  the  ballet company, the opera, and so on. Given the support the Hawthorne Foundation has traditionally provided to these type of endeavors, I believe you will find the course useful for your new...dilemma, I suppose you could call it."

I nod my head at her, just once.

"Now, for the rest of your schedule, I will need you to tell me a bit about your plans for the future. What are you passionate about, Leah?"

I struggle to come up with any useful ideas. The words just can't seem to form in my mouth. So I blurt out "Travel. I've always wanted to travel." As soon as I say the words, however, I wince.

She raises her eyebrows, ever so slightly. "I see. Why?"

I'm tempted to bring up my mother's role. But I don't. She peers at me. Seeing I'm stuck, she elaborates. "What is it that attracts you to other places? The art? The history? The peoples and their cultures? Or are you drawn to the marvels of the natural world? Do you want to see mountains and cliffs, oceans and giant sequoia trees, the rain forest—"

"All of it," I breathe out.

She smiles softly as she reaches for my hand. "I'll get you a list of electives to look at," she said softly. "I understand this all must be...very new to you."

I nod my head at her.

"But Leah," she says, her voice becoming noticeably firmer. "You're a very bright kid. I mean, coming from your background...it's amazing what you've managed to accomplish."

I smile softly at her, looking down at my hands. "Thank you."

"We have some marvelous programs you might consider. It'll be wonderful opportunities for a girl like you. But in the mean time..." her gaze flickers up to the clock, "best you get to class."


I don't know if it was intentional or not, but Dr. Mac kept me in her office for exactly an hour. That was a good thing, because I didn't want to cope with another few seconds of every set of eyes in the room staring directly at me. Because there were already enough eyes on me. Eyes everywhere.

I was able to enter my next class- which happened to be math, with another swarm of kids- a sea of blue blazers and loud voices. I could blend in well. Always could.

I'm halfway through the classroom when I hear a high pitched voice, that can only belong to one: Thea Calligaris.

"Leah, Leah, Leah!" She waves her hand at me, urging me to sit next to her.

tricks of time ― grayson hawthorne [the inheritance games]Where stories live. Discover now