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hi everyone! this is just a short update, i thought it was necessary for me to spread awareness in any way that i can!

as you guys all know, there's a lot that's been going on in ukraine for the past day or two. specifically including russia declaring war on ukraine.

it's not my place to tell you which is the correct stance on this topic- that is everyone's personal opinion. however, i think we can all agree that ukraine is seriously suffering and are severely outnumbered by russian troops. families are being separated; i'm sure lots of you have seen the heartbreaking video where a father had to leave his 4 year old daughter and wife to fight.

children are running away on foot, i've seen a video where a 13 year old boy and his sister who is 6 are planning on making a 177 hour journey to romania, because their mother has been dead for 2 years and their father was forced into the army. if you're not in ukraine right now, you should know that you're extremely privileged to be safe and happy in your home right now.

it's also very heartbreaking to see the whole world being threatened by russia that if they help ukraine, we will see "consequences that have never been seen before." it's honestly terrible that russia has worried everyone, and ukraine has been left alone to fight. however, i also understand that other countries interfering would cause a serious threat of world war iii. anyway, the point of this update is that there are several ways to help ukraine right now! so if you even have as little as 5 or 10$ to spare, it's worth donating to these websites. that 10$ could provide a small meal for a child in need. a small amount of left over lunch money will do wonders for those in need.

so, here are some websites that can help ukraine right now!! i know that lots (including myself) are incapable of donating on our own, so if this is the case for you, ask a trusted adult! your parents, siblings, guardians, teachers- you name it! 


--- that's a link that has listed several resources for supporting ukraine. 


--- here's another link that can help. 


--- last link I've found that seems good! 

i also know that lots of you may not be able to donate money. if that's the case, no worries. you can still help! here are two ways: 

1. SPREADING YOUR VOICE! go on social media, post about ukraine! use the links i listed above and include them in your post!

2. INFORMING OTHERS AROUND YOU! if you don't have social media either, tell others around you! tell your friends, teachers, store workers, that if they can donate, they should. again, show them these links or show them some links on google.

i'm so sorry to those who are in ukraine right now or those who have loved ones and friends there. my heart goes out to you, but don't fear, have faith in the government and military. stay strong! r

ight now, the world is in terror, because there is no certainty of what will happen. but right now, we have to unify and become one, we need to help those around us. it's not the time to fight right now, it's the time to help the people of ukraine in the ways we as normal civilians can. because the government are not the only people who can make decisions. we, the common people, can also fuse change. so let's do it!

 ukraine, the world is with you, we are praying for you! 

Stay strong! 


authors note

this is practically the only way i can inform others, because this book has a good amount of readers every day.

if you're only here for tricks of time, the next chapter will be the story continued. but i want to spread awareness!

update posted on: 2/25/22

word count: 665 words 

tricks of time ― grayson hawthorne [the inheritance games]Where stories live. Discover now