Making up

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Just to explain, Nagito isn't abt to jump, he just falls asleep.

Later that day, I went to bed, but Nagito wasn't in our room. I got worried and exited to go look for him.

He was standing on the edge of the boat and looked really tired, like he could fall asleep at any second. The way his upper body was almost hanging over the railing worried me.

Then, he started falling down. I rushed towards him and, luckily, I managed to grab his arm in time and pull him back up.

"Th-thank you..." When he noticed it was me who saved him, he frowned. "But you still need to apologize."

"I didn't do anything wrong." I defended myself.

"You did. You said I don't show that I love you enough but you don't do either. Y-you didn't even care when I explained why I do what I do. I was just excited to meet Naegi for the first time because he's great, not because I like him!" He explained. I sighed.

"You're right... I'm sorry."

"Was that so hard? You don't have to be jealous, I wouldn't cheat on you."

"I just don't wanna loose you. I lost so much to the events of the tragedy already, like my own identity for a while, I couldn't stand loosing something else."

"I don't wanna lose you either. That's why I wouldn't cheat on you. Cheating is just wrong."

"Y-yeah, you're right. I'm sorry for doubting you."

"It's... okay." Nagito sighed.

"And about what you said earlier, you really don't have to worry about being good enough."

"But... I mean, ever since I got accepted into Hope's Peak, I was nervous since I didn't consider luck as a talent. And I was... honestly pretty relived when I found out you didn't have a talent either, because then there was someone who could understand me in that regard. But that's not the case anymore. Now I'm useless..."

He pulled his knees up to his chest.

"You're not useless!"

"I am! I don't get how you're so carefree, I-I thought I had died and then I woke up and I was wearing someone else's arm and the world had eneded and it was my fault and... I-I don't even know if my parents are still alive..."

I smiled. The tables have turned, huh? Now I'm not the paranoid guy and Nagito has to try to calm me down.

"I get what you're going through. I was scared and worried too, but we'll figure this out. For now, we'll just live peacefully on jabberwock Island until things settle down, okay?"

"But do we deserve peaceful lives after everything we did to the world?"

"It wasn't our fault. We were brainwashed." I kissed his cheek.

"D-do you know how I can contact Naegi?"

"Yeah, I'll show you tomorrow." I helped him up and we went back into our room to go to bed.

The next day when I woke up, Nagito wasn't in his bed anymore. I decided to go check out what he was doing.

I ended up finding Nagito in the kitchen. Just like back in the
simulation, I decided to scare him. I put my hands on his shoulders.


"Aah! Hey, stop that!" He frowned. I chuckled.

"Sorry, sorry. What are you doing?" He looked away his cheeks slightly pink.

♡Hey, can you hear me? | Hinakoma/Komahina |  FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now