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The next day, we made out way back over to the wall, our hunger much worse than yesterday. My legs were weak and I could barely stand up straight.

Just then Monokuma told us we'd have some kind of morning workout from now on at 7 am. each day. When we were done with that, I felt like I was gonna pass out. Nagito told us we should still try our best to break down the wall, so we went there.

Our eyes widened, when we looked at the place were the crack had been just a day ago.

There was no crack in the wall. It looked brand new.

"What..?" Sonia asked.

"But this... how?" Nagito placed his hand on the wall, as if he was trying to find some sort of clue as to where the hole went.

"No fucking way! How are we gonna get out now?!" Fuyuhiko shouted.

"What if we just try one more time? We don't have to make a big hole or anything, but just big enough to put an object inside. That way, we'll be able to find out if Monokuma just fixed the wall or if he was able to replace it, somehow..." Nagito suggested.

"No way am I doing that again! I already feel like I'm gonna die, that shit won't help in the slightest!" Kazuichi yelled.


"Sorry, Nagito, but you can't motivate us anymore." Fuyuhiko stated.

After that, the both of them left.

"Uh, what do you guys think?" He asked the rest.

"I'm too tired. Just do that on your own for all I care..." Chiaki said before walking off.

"I am terribly sorry, Nagito, but I feel too weak. I would not be able to help much anyways." Sonia excused herself. Everyone but Nagito and I came up with some reason as to why they couldn't help out. After they were all gone, Nagito sank to the floor.

"I should've known I can't win against that bear..."

"Hey, you haven't lost yet," I leaned down to his level. "No one's even killed anyone yet, and even if that does happen, there's still more time to defeat Monokuma."

"You're saying it like two people aren't that big of a loss. It's horrible to loose even just one person. All of them were our friends... We're just teenagers, a kid shouldn't have to make this choice!" He pulled his legs up to his chest and hid his face behind his knees.

"That sounds familiar!" Monomuma suddenly popped up next to Nagito.


"In the first killing game, a girl said the same thing! She ended up trying to kill someone, but failing pretty sadly."

"But that doesn't mean I'll try to kill someone too! No matter what the motive is, I won't do it! I won't kill one of my friends, I'd rather die than do that!" He yelled.

"You sure are pumped up, even on an empty stomach." He giggled.

"Does it hurt already? You must be sooo hungry." He sang.

"I am hungry, and yes, it does hurt, but I won't kill anyone. This pain is nothing compared to loosing someone I care about."

He stood up, using the wall to help him.

"Aww, don't have the strength to stand up on your own anymore?"

"Shut up! Just leave him alone, dumbass!" I shouted, grabbing Nagito's wrist and walking over to my room with him.

"Thanks for helping me, Hajime." He smiled slightly, sitting down.

Being able to smile, even in a situation like this, it's... admirable. I leaned over to kiss his cheek, but stopped right before doing so.

"Uhm, is this okay? You know, can I kiss you?" I asked, my cheeks heating up.

He giggled.


I then quickly kissed his cheek, pulling away soon after.

"I'm really glad you're here with me. I'd be a mess if you weren't. I wouldn't have been able to do anything, really." He said.

"Hey, come on now, you've helped me out too."

"You say that, but I really haven't done nearly as much as you have. I mean, look at what happened just now, I ruined everything." He frowned.

"You didn't ruin anything, this isn't your fault, it's Monokuma's."

"I know I shouldn't blame myself, this isn't about me, after all, but I can't help but... you know, think it's my fault that everyone's feeling so down right now."

"Hey," I took his hands in mine. "You tried you best and no one else did, you should be proud of yourself." I kissed his nose, making him giggle.

"Alright then. Uhm, how about we go to bed now? We wouldn't want to anger monokuma by not showing up at the right time tomorrow, right?"

I nodded and went back to my room.

'Is it going to be okay?'

♡Hey, can you hear me? | Hinakoma/Komahina |  FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now