My beloved

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I apologize in advance if I misremembered details about the case.

That morning, Mikan woke me up and told me Nagito's condition had improved. We went to the hospital together.

"Mikan, you should go to sleep. This isn't good for you. I'll take care of things from here on out, 'kay?"

"Yeah, okay... I'll go to the... communication room then..."

She yawned and left. Before she closed the door, she looked back at me.

"You look exhausted. Maybe go to the lobby and relax a few minutes. I'm sure that'll help you."

She closed the door. I decided to listen to her. Nagito was passed out right now anyway, so it didn't make much of a difference whether or not I was there. When I got there, the light, signaling an incoming call, was blinking on the monitor.

I looked at the screen and saw a person climbing a step-ladder and reach out for a noose. I burst out of the hospital as fast as possible and ran to the music venue.

I burst through the door, but it seems I was too late. In front of me, was one of my classmates hanging from the stage lighting. I immediately went to tell the others and luckily I found Fuyuhiko, Chiaki and Mikan. When we went back, the door was locked though. We decided to just push it open with all our strength and, to our luck, it opened. My eyes widened at the sight before me.
The hanged body was still there, but now there was also another body, Hiyoko's, taped to the pillar.

"Aaah!" Mikan screamed. "Y-you said there was only o-one body!"

"I... what the hell is this..."

After the body discovery announcement played, everyone else arrived.

"Huh? Are you guys feeling better?" Is asked Nagito and Akane.

"Ibuki wasn't at the hospital anymore... So, does that mean she's the hanged body?" Akane asked.

"I'd assume so..." Nagito answered. "Oh, and yes, we're feeling better now."

After Monokuma gave us the Monokuma file, we started investigating.

We lowered the hanged body and it turned out, that that person was, indeed, Ibuki.

"But how did this happen?" I asked. "I mean, when I first got here without the others, Hiyoko wasn't dead. She wasn't even here."

"She wasn't?" Nagito asked. I nodded.

We then went on to investigate everything.

When we got into the trial room, everyone started arguing.

"I think... The killer might've imitated the movie to make us think Hiyoko was murdered after Ibuki." Nagito said.

"Huh? But Hajime said Hiyoko wasn't there the first time he got to the crime scene. There's no way she was killed before Ibuki." Kazuichi argued.

"That's not true. During the investigation, I found a scrap of wallpaper. I think the killer might have wrapped her body up in that to hide it." I explained.

"That would mean, that the killer was inside the music venue sometime after Hajime left to get the others, but before we opened it again." Chiaki said.

"But this time it was a locked room mystery." Fuyuhiko said.

"A l-locked room mystery? How?" Mikan questioned.

"When I first got there, the door wasn't locked, but after that, it was. It's not entirely a locked room mystery, but that's the term closest closest the truth." I explained.

♡Hey, can you hear me? | Hinakoma/Komahina |  FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now