Twilight syndrome murder case

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The next day I woke up and immediately remembered the events of yesterday. I tried to just think about something else and went to the dining hall. Nobody really talked all that much in there. Not even the cheerful people like Ibuki, Nekomaru and Nagito.
After a while, Sonia spoke up.
"I deeply apologize if this is impolite, but I think we should not spend the rest of the day like this. I doubt Teruteru and Byakuya would want that! We should live on and survive for the both of them!" She stood up in her seat and raised her fist in the air.
"You're right... Ibuki should try to think positive!" Ibuki stood up too.
"Yeah, that's the spirit, Ibuki!" Chiaki joined her.
"Alright then! Let's live on for the both of them!" Mahiru stood up and pulled Nagito up with her by his jacket.
Soon enough, everyone was motivated again. Chiaki looked at the whole group. She seemed... sad, but still smiled..? As if she was looking at old photos of her and her friends or something. Weird...
Soon after, Monomi appeared and told us that a new island had opened.
"I think it's best to check it out!" Mahiru said, smiling.
"I agree!" Nagito nodded. We then all left to go to the second island. We explored it for the entire day and then all went to bed. I was exhausted but still couldn't sleep well. I thought of how Teruteru and Byakuya just... died. I couldn't do anything about it. None of us could. It wasn't right. But... would there really be another murder? I couldn't imagine it... Why would there? Eventually, I did feel tired enough to fall asleep.

I walked into the dining hall and heard a bunch of people talking.
"But what if he does? I don't want to have to see that again!" Mahiru said.
"I'm sure it'll be just fine, Mahiru. Why would someone kill one of us again? That was just... really unfortunate." Nagito tried to reassure her.
"Are you sure it'll be fine?"
"Yes, I don't think one of us will die-" Nagito was interrupted by laughter. The black and white bear appeared again.
"Whaaat? You still wanna believe in everyone?"
"Of course he does! We're his friends!" Mahiru stood up for Nagito.
"Hmm... How about I shatter the last bit of hope you have?" He giggled. "You'll all come to the park tonight before the Nighttime announcement! I'll make sure you guys have to see your friends bleed out again!" He laughed and then left.
I looked at Nagito, who seemed to be feeling miserable.
"Hey, think positive, Nagito. We just have to do group activities or something! That way, we'll grow closer and no one will want to kill someone again. It'll be okay!" Mahiru put a comforting hand on his back. He looked at her and forced a sad smile. "Yeah... You're probably right."
After breakfast, Kazuichi asked me if I'd like to hang out with him tomorrow. I agreed because I knew he'd keep pestering me if I said no. After that, I had freetime again. I decided to go to the library. When I entered, I saw Nagito, who was reading a book. He didn't seem to notice me. I decided to use this to my advantage to surprise him. I snuck up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders.
"Nagito!" I yelled.
"Ah! What the heck?!" He turned around and sighed in relief. Then he lightly hit my forehead with his book.
"Don't scare me like that!" I only laughed in response. After I calmed down, I looked at the book again.
"What were you reading? You seemed pretty invested in your book."
"Oh, it's a book about serial killers. Sonia recommended it to me."
He chuckled.
"Serial killers? You don't seem like the type to enjoy those kinds of books."
"I'm not, but I wouldn't want to dissapoint Sonia by not reading the book she recommended."
"Is it at least somewhat interesting?" I sat down next to him.
"It's not a bad book or anything! Just not what I'd normally read."
"Do you read often?"
"Yes! I really like reading! I think it's a good distraction from your worries, especially in a situation like this..." He frowned and looked to the floor.
"Are you scared?"
"Are you scared, Nagito? You don't have to be afraid to tell me. I get how you're feeling. I mean, I don't like this either, you know?" Nagito hesitantly nodded.
"Yeah, I'm scared. Of course I am, I'm terrified. I could die any second, you know? You could die! We could all die!" Tears started to build in the corners of his eyes.
"I don't want anyone else to die..." He was crying now and I got closer to him to rub his back.
"There's nothing I can do about this... I can't help anyone! I'm so useless..."
"Hey, you're not useless... You helped out a lot in the trial. How about we go to my cottage, okay?" He nodded and we went towards the first Island.
On our way there, we spotted Mahiru and Hiyoko.
"Nagito, what's wrong?" Mahiru rushed towards him.
"I'm fine, don't worry!" He waved his hands in the air.
"Where you crying? You're soo pathetic, Nagito!" Hiyoko laughed.
"I'm sorry... I know I should try to stay positive. I can't just give up so easily!"
"Jeez, you're so lame!"
"Haha, yeah I was just thinking about how lame I sounded for saying that..."
"What where you guys doing together anyway?" I asked Mahiru. "I've never seen you hang out before."
"I'm gonna teach Hiyoko how to tie a Kimono and I'll help her take a bath." Mahiru chuckled nervously.
"Yeah! Mahiru is super nice, isn't she?"
"Yeah, she really is." Nagito said.
"Woah there! Don't think you can steal my Mahiru away!" Hiyoko yelled. "You have other friends, go bother them!"
"He's not a bother!" I said.
"Just calm down, okay, Hiyoko?" Mahiru asked. "Let's just get your bath ready. I hope you feel better soon, Nagito." She smiled at him. He thanked her and we left.
Once we arrived at my cottage, I lead him over to sit on my bed.
"Thank you, Hajime..." He hugged me. I was surprised at first, but then wrapped my arms around him too. "You're so nice to me."
"Hey, you've be helping me a lot so far. I'm just being fair." We let go of each other.
"I think we should go to the park now, right? Monokuma will get mad if we don't and I don't want to have to face the consequences of making him angry..." He nervously fiddled with his sleeve. I grabbed his arm and stood up, pulling him up with me.
"You're right, let's go." We quickly made our way over to Jabberwock Park. Some people were already waiting there. Ibuki walked up to Nagito.
"Nagito, you okay? Your eyes are all puffy. Have you been crying?"
"I'm fine now. You don't have to worry."
"Alright then. But if you ever get sad, you can talk to ibuki!" She gave him a grin and a thumbs up before leaving.
When everyone was there, Monokuma appeared and showed us the new motive. It was a murder mystery type of game based on true events. We decided to just ignore it in hopes of preventing another murder from happening. Some people left right after Monokuma did since it was getting late. I looked to my left and saw Nagito sitting on the floor.
"Uhh... You okay, man?" Kazuichi asked him.
"Oh! Yeah, I'm alright, sorry." Kazuichi smiled and helped him up.
"Thanks." Nagito dusted himself off. "Do you wanna go to our cottages together?" Kazuichi asked.
"Sure!" They then left, talking about something I couldn't quite hear. For some reason, I didn't want Nagito to go with him. Kazuichi had never really spoken to him before... Was he planning to kill Nagito? I couldn't let that happen. I didn't want anyone else to die, so if I got the chance to prevent a murder, I would take it. I sprinted over to the cottages just in time to see... Nagito waving goodbye to Kazuichi..? So... it's okay? Nothing bad was going on... That's good then...

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