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"So Gundham really did kill Nekomaru?" Sonia asked, eyes wide in disbelief.
"I'll tell ya, after you vote!"

And so, we did vote. It turned out to be correct, as always.

Gundham went on to explaine that he did, indeed, fight Nekomaru and didn't just let his hamsters to everything. At this point, Sonia had already started crying and he told her that that wasn't fitting for a noble like her.

"Now then, let the execution begin-" Gundham stopped talking when he noticed how sad his hamsters looked.

"What is it, my devas? Are you worried about me? That is so unlike you. Do not fret, I will be back. This mortal body is only my temporary form." He looked up again, grinning.

"I shall bring true hell upon hell! Let's all laugh uproariously at death! Hell's worst demons shall fear me! Fuahaha!"

After the execution was over, we all tried our best to comfort Sonia.

"Sonia, Gundham said not to give up on live, correct?" Nagito asked.
"You can mourn his death, of course, but don't give up just yet, okay?" He put a hand on her shoulder.
"Because if you do that... you'd be betraying his memory. I don't want that to happen to any one of our classmates and Gundham's no exception."

"You are right!" She smiled. "I will live on, for Gundham's sake!" She pumped a fist in the air.

"Exactly!" Nagito smiled at her.

"And... I do not know why, but I have a feeling nobody would like to commit murder after this anymore."

"You're right. No motive Monokua present us will convince us to kill anymore. It simply won't!" I agreed.

The next day a new island opened up and we explored it like always.

Monokuma didn't show up at all, which was weird, but we didn't complain. We were exploring the Monokuma factory when I noticed Nagito going into the warehouse all on his own. I decided to follow him. He looked around nervously, but not like he was searching for something, more like he was making sure no one was there. When he noticed me, his eyes widened.


"Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." He lied.

"Are you sure? You seem a little on edge." I walked towards him and he took a few steps back.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you or anything."

"I'm sorry..." After he said that, he quickly walked away, leaving me alone and confused. I tried to catch up to him.

"Nagito, wait!" To my surprise, he stopped walking and turned around.

"Why did you say sorry?" He looked off to the side.

"Because I- I just... I'm sorry."

"You didn't do anything wrong though..?"

"You don't know about it..." He tried to walk away again, but I grabbed his wrist.

"Stop trying to walk away. What's the matter?"

"You'd just tell me I did the right thing anyways..." He frowned.

"Just tell me." Nagito sighed.

"Fine." He huffed. "In the final dead room, I had to play Russian roulette and based on the number of bullets I used, I'd get more information about our situation. I only put in one bullet..."


"I only found out how the funhouse worked. I could've helped out much more if I had put in more bullets."

"You could've also died."

"See? This is why I didn't want to tell you. I knew you'd say that."

"Well, sorry for not telling you that you should've shot yourself in the head."

"Who says I would've died?"

"You could have, and that's enough for me to be happy you didn't try it out."

"I guess... let's just keep investigating, okay?" I nodded and we decided to look at the rest of the island together.

The next day, when I was on my way to the dining hall, I heard a scream.

I immediately turned around and ran towards the direction of where it came from. When I got there, Nagito bumped into me.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's Chiaki, she's- how could I let this happen?! And how did it happen in my own room?! How can this be..?" I gripped his shoulders and shook him lightly.

"Nagito, tell me what happened?" He took my hand and led me into his cottage.

Inside, was Chiaki Nanami, the ultimate gamer, dead. She was laying on her back and there seemed to be no wounds on her body whatsoever.


"I checked her pulse, she's... dead. I-I don't know how this happened I just woke up and she was there. I swear, I didn't do it!"

"I believe you, don't worry. Let's just go get the others."

Soon enough, we started investigating. Nagito looked terrified the whole time. When the class trial started, he barely said anything unless we spoke to him directly.

♡Hey, can you hear me? | Hinakoma/Komahina |  FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now