Remember me

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"Let's start with how Chiaki was killed." I said. "The Monokuma file said, she suffered no external injuries. I couldn't find any poison or something anywhere I either, so I doubt it was that."

"It was obviously Nagito. We found her in his room." Akane said.

"L-let's not decide that so soon." I defended him. "That'd be too obvious. Let's continue discussing how she was killed."

"Maybe it was just a heart attack?" Kazuichi asked.

"Why would she have been in Nagito's room then?" Fuyuhiko questioned.

"Perhaps it was strangulation?"

"I agree! That's the only way to kill someone without making them receive external wounds or needing a weapon. You can just use your hands." I explained.

"So... she was strangled? Doesn't change the fact that Nagito did it." Akane insisted.

"How about we collect alibis now? The Monokuma filled stated that she got killed around 10:30 p.m."

"I was in the kitchen with Fuyuhiko at that time." Kazuichi said and Fuyuhiko quickly attested to that.

"Guess I don't have a real alibi. I was sleeping in my room." Akane admitted.

"I was going for a walk with Gundham's hamsters. Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko saw me through the window and waved."

"Oh! Yeah, that's right! Miss Sonia has a rock-hard alibi!" Kazuichi grinned.

"What about you, Nagito?" He didn't respond.


"H-Huh? What?"

"What did you do yesterday at 10:30 p.m.?"

"I... was in my room, asleep." He stated.

"So the only one's without an actual alibi are Nagito, Akane and I?"

"Dude, I didn't kill that chick! It was Nagito!"

"I swear I didn't! I'd never do that! I have no clue how she even got into my room!" He objected.

"Give us proof then!" Akane yelled.

"I don't have any... I-I don't know how she got into my room... I don't know anything, I swear!"

"Man, I hate having to accuse you, but you're super suspicious right now." Kazuichi nervously said.

"I know I am, but I didn't do anything! I didn't even have a motive, why would I do that?!"

"Time to vote!" Monokuma said all of a sudden.

"What? So soon?" Nagito asked.

"Yuppers, time's up!"

After we voted, Monokuma checked the results.

"You're correct! Well, except one of you! Hajime, voting yourself was noble, but stupid. Glad the rest of you voted correctly or you'd all be dead meat!"

"No..." I stared at Nagito. "How could you do that?!"

"I'm telling you, I didn't!" He wiped away his tears. "I didn't kill anyone!" I walked towards him.

"I don't know why Monokuma says it's true, but it's not!" I hugged him. He sobbed into my shoulder. "I didn't kill her, Hajime." He let go of me and wiped his tears again.

"Doesn't matter whether or not it's true, you'll still get executed!" Monomuma laughed.

Nagito sighed, gaining his composure again.

"No, you're wrong. It's the opposite. It doesn't matter whether I'll die or not, I want you guys to know that I didn't kill anyone!" He looked at us.

"And please," He smiled. "Get out of here, all of you. I'm sorry I couldn't fight with you guys until the end, but I know you can do it. Also, please don't blame yourselves. I believe in every last one of you! Get out of here and... please don't forget about the others and I. Even if we're not alive anymore, I don't want you guys to forget us."

Those were his last words before being dragged off to his execution.
He was tied to the ground by four ropes. There was tape over his mouth, preventing him from saying anything.

A few Monokuma's walked towards him and started stabbing him in his legs.
All except one walked away, and that one cut his upper arm. When it was done, it walked towards him other arm and stabbed the knife inside his hand.
It was painful to watch someone I cared about so much die in such a horrible way.
Next, that Monokuma threw a glass container on the ground and green gas or poison came out. As soon as Nagito breathed in, he died.
The last thing that was done to him after his death, was a spear being rammed into his stomach.
After the execution was over, my legs gave up under me and I started sobbing.

Nagito was dead, he was really dead.

We'd just gotten together and now he was gone again. I heard someone scream, but, by the way my throat hurt, I deduced that I was the one screaming. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Kazuichi. He was crying too.
He held out a hand to me and pulled me up.

"I-I'm so sorry... I... why did he have to die..?" He mumbled. I looked around and noticed that the other were already gone.

"L-let's just... go to our cottages..." I was still crying.

I felt pathetic.

I was pathetic.

I promised him that I'd protect him, but I was too fucking stupid to do it!

"Hajime... you remember what he said... right? He said he didn't want us to blame ourselves. I think that was mostly directed at you. You guys were so close, of course you'd blame yourself for his death."

'Easier said than done.' I just nodded and went into my cottage.

♡Hey, can you hear me? | Hinakoma/Komahina |  FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now