Killing school trip

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The morning announcement woke me up. I quickly got ready and went over to the dining hall. When I got there, a bunch of people where already eating.
"Hey, Harold, come here! Teruteru's food is amazing!" Akane grinned.
"My name is Hajime..." I looked for a place to sit and found one close to Mahiru and Nagito.
"So you finally showed up, huh? I'm not a fan of guys who a unreliable!" Mahiru scolded me.
"Good morning to you too..." I sat down and started eating.
"You don't have to be so harsh on him, Mahiru. It's a pretty scary situation we're in. It makes sense we'd be forgetful."
"You guys are boys! Try to be a bit more manly!" She glared at me.
"Doesn't matter if I'm a boy or a girl. I can be as scared as I want!"
"You won't ever impress a girl with that attitude."
"Hey now, how about you guys just calm down. I bet you're both just exhausted, no need to fight." Nagito waved his hands in the air to calm us down.
"Fine..." Mahiru rolled her eyes.
After we were done eating, Nagito stood up and put our plates away. Mahiru smiled at him. We all went to our cottages after that.
'Now I've got freetime, huh? Maybe I should hang out with Nagito. He seems pretty nice and I've been kinda rude to him the whole time.' I stood up and went to go look for him. I found him at the beach, looking at the waves.
"Nagito, hey!" He jumped a bit.
"Ah!" I chuckled.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
"It's alright." He giggled. "Did you need something?" Nagito tilted his head.
"I wanted to ask if you'd maybe wanna hang out with me." He smiled.
"Sure!" I sat down next to him.
"You know, you've helped me out a lot so far. I bet I would've been a mess if it weren't for you." He looked at me, surprised.
"Thank you." I smiled at him.
"No... I haven't done anything to recieve your thanks. But... for someone like me to be useful to you, and to even receive your words of gratitude... makes me happy."
"Don't be so hard on yourself! I think you're a pretty cool guy."
"Ah... uh, thank you. I'm really just trying my best to prevent... something bad from happening. You seemed pretty nervous so that's why I've been trying to calm you down." He chuckled.
'I think your smile his already enough to calm me down.'
His eyes widened. "Not that I wouldn't have hung out with you if you hadn't seemed nervous, just... I just wanted to help." He waved his hands in the air. I put a hand on his arm to calm him down.
"It's fine, I'm not upset with you or anything." He sighed in relief.
"Alright then..." For a few minutes, we just continued looking at the waves.
"Hey, Nagito, what do you think my talent could be?"
"Your talent, huh? Hmm..." He put a hand to his chin.
"Maybe... the ultimate serenety?"
"Huh?! No way!"
"You don't think so? I think having the ability to bring serenity to others by just being there, sounds amazing." He chuckled. "But maybe you're the ultimate spiky hair."
I laughed. "That's mean!" I then frowned. "But maybe my talent is really boring."
"Yours can't be that bad. There's always still my talent. And I'm really not impressive."
"I don't think that. What if my talent is way less useful than yours?"
"No way! I'm sure yours is great! You must have a really good talent! I just know it."
'Somehow... when I see the way Nagito doesn't doubt me at all, I start to belive he's right. He really does help me in so many ways... But... thanks to him, my feelings are lighter than they ever were. Maybe he really is a good person. Well, I guess it's too early to say. I need to get to know him better from now on.'
Just as I was about to speak up again, Monokuma made an announcement. He told us to go to Jabberwock Park again.
"Oh no..." Nagito looked worried.
"I'm sure it'll be okay. I think it'll only end bad for us if we don't listen to him."
"I... suppose that's true. Let's go then." We made our way over to the park. The rest was already waiting there.
"Well hello there! I've planned a surprise for all of you!" Monokuma said.
"What the fuck do you want?!" Fuyuhiko yelled again.
"You know how yesterday was supposed to be your first day of high school? Well, it wasn't! You already finished high school!"
"Huh..?" Chiaki raised an eyebrow.
"I just-" He laughed. "I just stole your school memories! You guys are all older than you thought, but you still behave like your younger selves! I wonder what happened to your families! Aren't they worried sick about their cute little children? You'll only get your memories back and off this island if you kill someone and get away with it! Have fun!"
"This is ridiculous." Byakuya stated. "Utterly ridiculous. There's simply no way you could just take away all of our school memories. It's not possible."
"It's not possible to turn a classroom into an island either, but I managed to do it! How do you explain that, smartypants? Well, I don't really care if every single one of you believes it or not. I'll be on my way now! Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!"
With that, he disappeared. Mikan burst into tears.
"Wh-what's going on? A-are my memories r-really gone?"
"No they're not, you ugly trashy pig! Stop whining!"
"A-ah! I-I'm sorry!"
"You better be!"
"This is so fucking stupid! No way in hell did they steal our memories!" Fuyuhiko groaned. "This is so annoying! I hate all of this just as much as I hate you guys!"
"Hey! It's fine if you're upset, but it doesn't mean you get to inconvenience everyone else!" Mahiru scolded him.
"I can do it."
"I can do it, you know? I can kill one of you."
"Shut up! Are you insane?" She yelled.
"C-calm down, guys. Fighting won't solve anything." Nagito tried to calm them down.
"I don't fucking care!"
"Fuyuhiko, calm down." Peko said. He protested for a bit, but listened to her.
"Just so that this is clear, I won't let anyone become a victim." Byakuya stated all of a sudden. "I hereby declare myself as the the leader and as long as I, Byakuya, Togami, am alive, nobody on this island will die."
"Hey, you can't just say you're the leader like that!" Mahiru rolled her eyes.
"Really? I think Byakuya is a pretty good leader!" Ibuki smiled.
"Yeah, I don't mind it either." Nagito said.
Mahiru huffed. "Well, if everyone's okay with that, I won't complain."
"Good. Now, do not take my words lightly. I mean it when I say that as long as I'm alive, no one will die. That includes people like you, Fuyuhiko." Said boy groaned.
"Okay, fine. Can I go now?"
"Do what you want. I'll go now too." With that, the both of them and some of the others left.
"Uhm... do you guys really think they stole our school memories?" Nagito asked nervously.
"I... don't know. But I do doubt it! How would they even do that?" Mahiru questioned.
"Yeah, it's not very likely. At least I don't think so." I agreed.
"S-so you guys d-don't th-think a-anybody w-will get k-killed..?" Mikan asked.
"Yeah, there's no way anyone would kill... right?" Kazuichi nervously looked around. "I don't really feel all that safe anymore... Bye guys!" He yelled before running off. After a few minutes the rest left too. Mahiru, Nagito and I were on out way to the cottages as a trio.
"Fuyuhiko really needs to try to work with us. He scares me..." Mahiru nervously rubbed her arm.
"That's not good... I mean, I get that he's scared and angry, but... he can't just threaten us." Nagito put a hand to his chin. "He really needs to be stopped." My eyes widened and I looked him in the eyes.
"Not like that! I-I didn't mean it like that, I'd never kill anyone!" He frantically waved his hands in the air.
"Alright, I doubt you'd just go and kill him right now, so it's okay." I opened the door to my cottage. "Goodnight!"
As soon as I entered my cottage, I sighed. No one would just... kill anybody, right? Right. There was no way.

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