Chapter 11

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Tiego looked at her and was just lost for words. She looked amazing. All he did was look.  He didn't even have time to take in what's happening. When she got near him, she took the drink out of his hand, sat on top of him and started kissing him.

She said no words, none whatsoever. The woman was horny and she wanted Tiego at this moment and she was determined to do just about anything for him to fuck her..... Hard.

She unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. He didn't protest when she put her hand in and worked her way towards motivating the little man to be wide wake. She took out his erect shaft and put it in her mouth. On her knees, she started to suck.

He took a few deep breaths and started hold her head. She was doing it right. It felt too damn good, if he does say so himself. Before he was about to come, he stood her up and tore the lingerie of her. He went to get a condom from one of the drawers in the bar area. He walked towards her, turned her around and before he could enter her,  he placed his hand on her pussy and she was beyond wet. As weird as this was for the both of them, it was hot.

He entered her and from the onset, he fucked her. No, he pile drove her to insanity. She was literally screaming like never before. This was definitely angry sex. He pulled her hair, spanked her here and there, fucked her hard. Just as she had reached her peak, he held her by her throat and fucked her more. She came once again and at this point she was beyond out of words.

Tshidi couldn't say a word. She was out of strength. He had never done her like this before. She knew that they would have sex, or at least she was hopeful. But never did she know that he had such skills. He never fucked this good. She felt bad for treating him the way she did and for that she just wished that they were inlove.

Tiego, reached his climax and after that he left her lying on the couch. He went to take a shower and went straight to bed.... Wow. 


Tshiamo woke up and got ready to go the gym. She saw that there was something wrong with Motheo but he didn't want to open up or even touch the matter so she just chose to give him some space. It was evident that he needed some time to his thoughts.

She went to the gym, went to work and at around 10:00 am she was called in for an urgent meeting with the management team. They spoke about the current status of company, they made a few announcements, went through figures and concluded what they had focused on at that moment. However, they had a major issue to attend to, which needed someone who knew the ins and outs of the company to solve it.

"Ms Motlhala",The managing director called out to her. she hadn't  legally or officially changed her surname.
We have an urgent matter that we need to focus on in the western Cape and we only trust you to take over this one. I truly hope that it's not going to be an issue for you, considering that you are still a newly wed.

"No, it's no bother Mr Duma. It's okay. I understand that it's a serious priority so I'll go. " She said.

"Thank you so much for the sacrifice in such short notice. You will probably stay there for a week tops. But if anything changes, you will be told as you engage with the shareholders. The date will be confirmed with you on time". Mr Duma replied.

The meeting was adjourned and Tshiamo had to get her PA to make that her ticket is booked, that she has a car hired because she likes to drive herself around instead of being driven. Her PA also had to make sure that her accommodation is paid for and that it is reasonably closer to where she will be based and her meeting venues. Once that was done. Tshiamo packed her belongings and went home.

Tiego, came out of his meeting and found that he had a few missed calls from Motheo. He was irritated and didn't know what he wanted from him but he decided to call him back.

"My guy, I've been trying to get ahold of you" Motheo said as he answered his phone. "yeah, man... I was busy" He told him. "What's up?" Tiego asked.

"I was checking on you. I heard you were coming this side....Jess told me(Tiego's sister)." Motheo said.
" I was wondering if you could come over for dinner when you arrive. Man, I haven't seen you in a while. He finished. He sounded sincere, like he actually missed his best friend.

"Look bro, I know you have been going through some shit at home and I just thought you could use some time out... You know. A few drinks, some good food and good company. You know that always does the trick right?." Motheo told him.

"You know what, that could be exactly what I need ey....He laughed. Thanks man. He said.
" I'll add a pretty tease for the night, I believe you could do with some release... Motheo said and Tiego could have told him to fuck off with all that since the reason he's not getting enough ass was his fault in the first place but he just chuckled and told him he'll see him when he gets that side.

He got home, prepared his travel bag. He bought some dinner in his way home so he went to warm it up and decided to eat in his room. Tshidi was not back from work yet and Tshego was at Tumi's place.

He went online, booked his plane ticket and then continued with his reports. He had a few things in his mind. He didn't feel the same way he did about Tshidi and the way he just got over her made him wonder if he ever cared. Or could this be a build up from all the times that she's cheated before and he's just reached his breaking point.

Wgat ever that was, for some reason he was okay with it. He was OK with Motheo fucking his wife. He had forgiven them both. He just though that he didn't want to live bitterly. He'd rather be free from the weight of carrying grudges.

After having dinner and a bath, he decided to get some sleep.
He was ready to dose off but that was short lived.
Tshidi walked in the room, butt naked and crawled in Tiego's bed.

Shit... He thought to himself. He wasn't in the mood and at this point, he kind of knew what she playing at. As soon as she came close to him, he just decided to ignore her.

The unfortunate part of it was that she couldn't say a word to him. She didn't know what to say. She couldn't ask him why he's not in the mood as if they're in good terms.

Tiego fell right asleep as if she wasn't there. And there she was, staring at the ceiling.
She felt it again.... Rejection.

How do we fix the broken? I have no idea 🤷‍♀️.
Hopefully there will be a resolution.

Happy reading.... 😊

#NB....The information in this book is not 100% accurate as we all know that fiction is not entirely real. This goes for the names of the characters and other things in the book that you may encounter or consider to be coincidental. ©2022.Carol P Mogapi. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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