Chapter 2

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Standing at the door, Tiego was lost for words at the sight infront of him. "What the hell is happening here? Tshidi!?"...He shouted.

"Uhhh,....oh my goodness. Baby, I can explain". She said. Standing there covered in sheets. Sheets that she sleeps with her husband on.
The embarrassment on her face was evident.

He was disgusted by what he saw. He walked out without another word.
He found himself sitting in disbelief on the couch downstairs when his wife came to join him, the man she was busy with behind her.

Tiego didn't know the man she was with and he didn't even give him any attention whatsoever. He didn't care who he was, the main thing was the act that took place between the two.

The man left without a word. His car was parked on the outside of their house. He did not know what to say or even how to act.

"Are you done fucking your man?" He asked her as she walked closer to him in her robe.
"Baby he's not my man, you are" , Tshidi answered. He looked at her with disgust and disappointment.

He could say that he saw it coming but chose to hold on to the little hope he had. Tshidi has been cold towards him many times than he could count.

This is not the first time she cheats on him and even though at this point he did not have enough evidence for the other times, deep down he knows that she's been at this for a long time.

Whenever they would have a fight, disagreement or even a misunderstanding, Tshidi would vanish for hours with her phone off and come back even colder than was when she left. One would say the fights were deliberate and in her favor of course, leaving him feeling like shit.

Tiego being the man he is. He'd forgive her and she took advantage of that. He loved her and she knew it.
They sat in silence before any of them could say anything.

Tiego broke the silence.
"Am I not good enough for you?" ... "Huh?. Do I bore you to the point where you feel the need seek sexual intercourse from another man?" ... "Huh? What, don't I do it right for you?... Huh?" He asked her in sadness...

"No... Baby, it's not that...please don't say such things", Tshidi said.

"That's most definitely it. For damn sure!".

"What?, you disagree to come with me to my best friend's wedding so that you can get fucked by another man, in our bed? Huh?"...
He turned to look at her. He had a mixture of hurt and anger within him but she had a reason for not wanting to attend the wedding.

"Tshidi, this is a simple matter, if you weren't fucking happy anymore why didn't you fucken say anything?"...

"Here I am thinking that I'm giving you space to put things back into perspective, for us to miss each other." He continued.

"For a moment there I thought you actually missed me when I saw those rose petals on the floor and that for once you'd put an effort towards making this work, towards showing me that you love me.
But no!."

Tshidi, you made that much effort for another man....Really?.... "You actually"....he couldn't even finish his sentence. He gave a sad chuckle. "I can't believe this shit."

"All those months and money wasted on counseling were filled with you laughing behind my back right?! .. Looking at this moron trying to make it work with his wife where she doesn't want him anymore."

"Time wasted with a man who can't even make you cum! Like what the fuck Tshidi?!"....He said, in anger.

She was speechless. She felt sorry for him. It's not that he was bad in bed, it's just that she didn't love him the way a wife should love her husband.
"You didn't even have the decency to tell me the fucken truth!" He shouted.

"If you have finally succeeded in bringing another man in our bed, I wonder what else it is that you've been doing in my absence." He said to her.
That statement hit her like a ton of bricks. This man did not deserve any of this. He was nothing but good to her, in fact he was too good for her.

"How many are there...How many have there been?" He asked in a low tone and looked at her.

"Tiego"... She began. But he cut her off.
"you know what, I don't want to know shit!" he said to her.
"I'm not gonna stand for all this stupidity... I can't even stand the sight of you right now" at this time he was talking with his eyes on the floor.

He took the bag he came with and walked back out.
"Baby, please!", she said, trying to get his attention as he stormed out.

She sat there taking deep breaths, trying to wrap her head around what just happened.

Fucking hell!!


Let's continue with the ride... 😁

#NB....The information in this book is not 100% accurate as we all know that fiction is not entirely real. This goes for the names of the characters and other things in the book that you may encounter or consider to be coincidental. ©2022.Carol P Mogapi. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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